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計畫名稱: 強化重要果品分級包裝、外銷集貨與保鮮儲運之研究
計畫主持人: 楊文振
計畫編號: 93農科-1.5.3-高-K1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會高雄區農業改良場
全程計畫年: 2004
關鍵字: 分級;包裝;集貨 ;Grading;Packing;Assembly
摘要: 番石榴集貨前65%果農會在田間先做分級;64%的果農以小貨車運送果品到集貨場;56%之集貨場以機械分級;56%將果品分級成5級;有32%集貨場之分級標準會考慮到果品之重量與色澤。各達50%的果農在果品進集貨場前會分級和包裝;66%果農以小貨車運送果品至集貨場;100%的鳳梨以人工分級;鳳梨分級時分別有31%會考慮重量、大小,考慮到色澤的亦達27%。屏檸社本年度營運數量雖較去年僅增加3.1%,但營業額卻增加66.3%。此外,今年9月並成功解決滯銷危機,11月起壓低平均售價一半,裨益消費大眾,建立產銷秩序。Before assembling guava fruit, 65%farmers graded at field. Guava fruit was transported to packing house by 64% farmers. Machine grading was adopted in 56% packing houses. There were 5 grades for 56% guava fruit. The variable weight and variable color of fruit skin were involved by 32% packing houses’ selection. Adding promotion 66.3% was made of total lemon business revenue with an increase 3.1% of total production amount in comparison with the data in 2003. LISA resolved effectively the lemon overproduction crisis in September and controlled the half net price of lemon in winter marketing in 2004.
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