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計畫名稱: 強化重要果品分級包裝、外銷集貨與保鮮儲運之研究
計畫主持人: 李月寶
計畫編號: 93農科-1.5.3-南-N1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會台南區農業改良場
全程計畫年: 2004
關鍵字: 分級包裝;外銷集貨;保鮮儲運 ;Packing by Classifying;Forwarding for Export;Marketing Freshly
摘要: 針對芒果、番石榴、木瓜、鳳梨等水果做合理分級包裝、品質管理等研究;以提升國內外銷售流程的層次。健全芒果、木瓜產業聯盟組織與運作,提高產業競爭力。研發採後處理及儲運技術,提升果品外銷能率,以增加農民所得,維護台灣農業的永續發展。Studies on the fruits of reasonablely classifying、packing and quality management such as mango、guava、papaya and pineapple so as to improve the selling process of fruits. Adjust the alliance of mango and papaya to improve efficiency and strengthen the competitiveness. Make a study of promoting postharvest technique and method of transportation. Fruit quality has to be continuously upgraded. The cost of production and marketing should be further reduced to increase growers profit. It hope rural employment opportunity and vitality, then exalt farmers income and maintain agriculture everlasting development in Taiwan.
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