摘要: 研究高屏區重要熱帶水果番石榴、蓮霧、木瓜、檸檬、鳳梨、蜜棗等作物之選別、分級,進一步建立其標準,推展至產銷班,俾提高市競爭力。 番石榴選別分級方法和蓮霧有明顯差異;番石榴利用機械選別之比率達64%,蓮霧卻僅達3%。番石榴全班共選比率達76%;蓮霧僅達3%。番石榴按照統一標準選別比率達60%,且集中在集貨場選別的比率高達72%;蓮霧按照統一標準選別的比率低,僅達11%,但集中在集貨場選別的比率達44%。番石榴分級以5等級以上所占比率最高達52%,其次是分4級,比率為40%;蓮霧分級時以4級最多,達52%,其次是3級,達30%。The picking, grading of major tropical fruits is inquired, in order to promote competitive of those fruit in international trade. There is different to grading in guava and waxapple. 64% guava fruit grading by merchine, but only 3% machine grading in waxapple. About 60% guava fruit grading by standard, only 11% waxapple fruit grading by standard, about 72% guava fruit grading at assembly, 44% waxapple fruit at assembly. There are 5 grdes for 52% guava, but 4 grades for 52% waxapple. |