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計畫名稱: 建立作物健康管理生產體系及關鍵技術研究--水稻、甘藷、敏豆、長豇豆、鳳梨、柑橘、番石榴、平地水蜜桃
計畫主持人: 郭鴻裕
共同計畫主持人: 賴明信;林素禎;王怡玎;王三太;官青杉;賴永昌;王毓華;林鳳琪;鄧汀欽;黃阿賢;徐敏記;張庚鵬;石憲宗;宋家瑋
計畫編號: 101農科-14.2.2-農-C1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所農業化學組
全程計畫年: 2012
關鍵字: 桃;根瘤線蟲;鳳梨;連作障礙;敏豆;萎凋病;peach;Root-knot nematode;pineapple;continuous-cropping obstacles;Phaseolus vulgaris;Fusarium wilt
摘要: 我國過去推動農產品安全的做法,主要著重於安全用藥輔導,對於減少用藥後如何確保產量、提升品質等技術層面則著墨較少,並且較缺乏針對地區環境特性而設之整合生產體系。建構植物健康生產管理模式主要目的即在彌補現行制度的不足,創造農民投入安全高品質農產品生產的誘因,以達成減少用藥、合理施肥、穩定量產、提昇品質、國民健康、環境永續的終極目的。有別於傳統農業以集約耕作、追求高產為目標,作物健康管理強調與環境的共榮,由環境的健康來創造作物的健康,進而達到減少用藥,保障農民及消費者健康。本研究擬以攸關國人日常飲食之大宗作物及藥檢不合格比例較高的作物為重點,進行環境因子、作物生理、病蟲害發生之交互作用機制基礎研究,建立符合國際標準之種苗檢驗技術,強化健康種苗生產體系,開發目標作物健康管理關鍵技術,建立重點作物健康管理生產體系。In the light of current promotions on agricultural produce security only focused on safety use of pesticides, but less attention paid to upgrade cultivation techniques providing incentives for farmers to ensure best yield and quality, crop health management is in need to be established and implemented. Not only collaborating environment friendly management with food safety, but also increase farmers’ income, crop health management is to integrate reducing use of pesticides, sustainable soil management, rational use of fertilizer and crop breeding to become a comprehensive production model. Targeting on major economic crops or which usually failed pesticide residue examination; the project is to conduct fundamental researches on the interactions among environmental factors, crop physiology and incidence of disease and pest. Thus, enhancing healthful seedlings production and developing key know-how of cultivation methods all contribute to the establishment of a comprehensive health management system for target crops in Taiwan.<?Taiwan.
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