
字體大小:A- A A+

作者: 呂明雄;林芳存;郭銀港
刊名: 嘉義農專學報
出版年: 1992
關鍵字: 大小; 果實; 品質; 套袋; 番石榴
摘要: "泰國種"番石榴在小果期以透明及藍色PE塑膠袋內襯白色舒果套套袋 均能有效的提高果實鮮重;白色紙袋及黃色紙袋次之;單獨套上透明PE塑膠袋及 黃黑色紙袋與未套袋處理問差異未達顯著水準。果實長、寬度及脆度以透明與藍 色PE塑膠袋內襯白色舒果套之效果最佳,其餘各套袋處理間差異不顯著。可溶 性固形物含量與可滴定酸度、各處理間未達顯著水準。果皮色澤以黃黑色紙袋處 理者最差"泰國種"番石榴於花謝後四週,以透明pE塑膠袋內襯白色舒果套處理對 果實增重效果最佳;花謝後二十週套袋者最差。果實重量與果實硬度以花謝後四 至十三週套袋處理者與未套袋處理間呈現顯著差異,且隨套袋時期延遲果實有逐 漸減輕現象,花謝後十四週至二十週套袋處理與未套袋之果重及果實硬度均無差 異。果實之可溶性固形物含量與可滴定酸度及果實色澤各處理間無顯著差異。     In order to protect 'Thailand' guava fruits from fruitfly during fruit growthperiod. Different kinds of bags and dates of bagging were studied in this experiment. The results showed that transparent or blue PE bags plus whitefoam cushioning net were best in weight increase and crispness of fruit, butthere was no difference of quality in all bags. Bagging "Thailand' guava fruitsafter blooming 4-20 weeks had better weight increase of fruits. The earlier theguava fruits were bagged; the heavier the fruits were. However; there was nodifference in fruit quality as to the date of bagging.
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