摘要: 細部計畫0:結球萵苣溯源生產智能管理之研發</b>臺灣自2002年開始形成外銷萵苣產業,歷經十餘年發展,目前農企業遭遇契作田管理不易、環境資訊無法掌握、外銷稽核作業耗費大量人力、外銷市場侷限及生產管理技術未能現代化的困境。隨著農業資通訊技術發展,新興技術的導入可望協助產業升級,提升產值及競爭力,本計畫擬導入無人機與多光譜影像分析技術,建立田區生育狀態即時監測技術,並將田間資訊回饋至作物模型,提升田間預報系統精準度。並利用自動化害蟲監測技術建立萵苣害蟲雲端監測網,結合GIS技術及空間分析技術,進行區域化害蟲發生風險分析,作為區域差異化害蟲管理之基礎,從生產面建立智慧化栽培模式。擴大應用溯源紀錄輔助系統,透過地理資訊系統整合環境、田間生育、夜蛾發生風險,強化生產關鍵資訊整合,作為產業精準生產之利基。
<b>細部計畫0:鳳梨生產及智慧化關鍵技術研發及應用</b> 本計畫擬分年度規劃階段進度,於iPLANT平台中,架設鳳梨生產管理及收穫期分布資訊系統,開發含括生產者、管理者及銷售端方便使用的個人化系統,建立不同產地、季節周年催花至成熟期所需資訊,期能減輕每年因果實成熟期高峰分佈掌握困難所衍生之短期到貨量過多引起的果品價格波動。此外亦規劃導入非破壞性品質選別系統之開發,探討高光譜影像於貯藏判釋技術之可行性,期能藉由非破壞性果實貯運期選別預估技術,增加長程外銷市場拓展可行性。
<b>細部計畫0:毛豆產業智慧科技研發與應用</b>本計畫目標為建立毛豆外銷專區智慧型農業作業體系,解決農業勞動力短缺問題 ,提升專區的科學化管理及經營效率,提升我國毛豆產品在國際市場的競爭力。其重要工作項目包含(1)毛豆外銷專區智慧化精準管理技術推廣。 (2)毛豆大農場環境控制聯網系統建立。 (3)毛豆加工智慧管理系統建立。其預期效益包含(1)推廣智慧型GPS曳引機及多功能管理機在毛豆外銷專區應用技術2項,將機械化管理作業提升到智慧化精準管理系統,降低生產成本達30%,提升作業效率50%,並降低農藥殘留風險,提升原料食品安全。 (2)輔導示範場域導入智能型毛豆生長及病蟲害影像監測系統1項,即時掌握毛豆生育情形,減少病蟲害危害10%,提升毛豆外銷專區智慧化精準管理。(3)輔導毛豆加工廠導入智慧型冷鏈監測技術及豆莢智慧選別影像辨識系統計2項,降低產品劣變風險及耗損,確保毛豆產品的出貨品質,提升我國毛豆產品在國際市場的競爭力,預計每年可創造 台灣毛豆產品外銷產值達25億5千萬元以上,維持銷日冠軍的佳績。
<b>細部計畫0:溯源茶產業與智能化管理發展計畫</b>目前臺灣農業人口老化且人力短缺,茶園狹小分散,不利機械化管理。又茶園生長環境資訊複雜,無法找出最佳化之栽培生產模式。因此無形中增加許多人力成本。 而消費者對茶葉安全的關注則是持續增加。本研究針對茶業缺工及茶葉生產安全問 題,擬發展智慧管理工具及溯源系統協助田間生產及溯源管理。智慧管理工具可由田間生產面向進行改善,藉由感測技術、智能機器裝置(IR)、巨量資料 ( Big Data)分析等關鍵技術,建構智慧化排程生產,提升農業整體生產效率與量能。而溯 源系統可追溯茶葉生產之土壤、作物覆蓋、病蟲害、氣候及作物生育資料等生產參數,提供客戶端及消費者完整之數位服務體系。同時建置示範場域進行測試,提供 生產流程之決策輔助,提升人力投入效益,節省成本支出,達到智慧化及自動化生產管理目標。
<b>細部計畫0:智慧化製茶及加工自動化之研究</b>烏龍茶及冷凍茶加工自動化之研究 目前國內外紅茶與綠茶之自動化生產線已相當成熟, 而臺灣部分發酵的烏龍茶,於萎凋操作、炒菁、揉捻 與乾燥等各項工作仍多以人力進行串接,因此烏龍茶製造欲達成機械化與自動化仍待加強。本計畫擬配合層積式萎凋架開發茶菁自動出料攪拌機,並串接連續式炒菁、揉捻與乾燥機械,搭配監測與回饋控制系統,使臺灣烏龍茶製程可達成自動化及標準化,提高製茶效率並降低人力需求。 茶葉製程中經揉捻但未完全乾燥的茶葉進行冷凍貯藏,即為冷凍茶原料,其香氣濃郁明顯,但現行之冷凍茶多以較鬆散之型態包裝販售,在產品利用及消費者取用沖泡上不甚便利,另成品之含水量高不易保存及生菌數之疑慮,影響冷凍茶葉之推廣應用。本計畫將建立冷凍茶自動加工模式及探討產品之應用,同時考量茶香之保留、品質、生菌數、保存期限、包裝方式等因素,開發冷凍茶之標準生產流程。另將利用急速冷凍製程及小包裝杯封模式,將冷凍茶商品化,並開發不同包裝之冷凍茶商品,以供作袋茶消費、茶葉冷萃加工、連鎖飲料店及飲料加工廠使用。
商用球形茶桶球省工產製技術之開發 現行臺灣產製的球形茶製程需要反覆地團揉或使用擠壓機。然而過度的擠壓會使顆粒過於緊結,使乾燥過程茶葉內捲曲部分水分不易排除,進而影響品質。桶球機為桃園龍潭茶區早期茶葉整形的方式,具有操作方便、利於製茶流程安排等優勢。本計畫擬以部分發酵茶類的產製模式,搭配桶球機整形,期望替代現行擠壓模式,建構製程參數條件,提升商用球形茶萃取效率,並強化地方茶類特色性,並作為未來自動化或智慧化設備開發之參數依據。Study on intelligent management for traceable lettuce production system</b>The export lettuce industry has formed from 2002 and become one of the most important agricultural industry in winter time in Taiwan. However, after more than ten years of development, the lettuce industry is now facing to different problems including difficult mangement for agricultural enterprises with the contract fields, complex environmental information to be taken care for, labor intensive for export audit work, limitation of export market and un-modernized production management technology. Due to the development of agricultural information technology in recent years, the introduction of modern technologies is expected to accelerate the upgrading of this industry, enhancing the production value and competitiveness. This project aim to to improve the problem by 6-years period with different aspect as follows. Introducing UAV and image analysis technology to strength the field monitoring on crop growth. Combining the image monitoring system and crop growth model to elevate the growth prediction system. Integrating the lettuce pest automatic monitoring trap to form regional monitoring network, analyzing the hot spot with GIS platform as the base of site-specific pest management system. Extening the traceability recording system and GIS on the integrating the key information of environmental, phenological and pest risk to stablize the base of precition croping system.
<b>0:The development and application of key techniques on the production and smart farming in pineapple industry</b>This project aim at enhancing the pineapple production system through application of smart farming techniques in different phases. The spatial and temporal information of pineapple during forcing to harvest will be established by developing the information system to connect the location and date of management event. The information of the date, location, acreage of pineapple from forcing to harvest will be connected from different users in terms of production, management, and marketing which are collected from each user interfaces. The system will be used to predict the peak period of fruit production in each area. The results is important on decision support to stabilize the fluctuation of fruit prices resulted from excessive production in short period. The non-destructive measurement and selection system will be developed to test the feasibility by using hyper-spectral image on predicting the storage period of pineapple. We hope the to increase the possibility of expanding the export market in long-distance shipment by the non-destructive storage prediction system.
<b>0:Smart Technology Development and Application on Vegetable Soybean Industry</b>The project objectives for vegetable soybean are to establish smart agricultural operation system on the export professional fields to address the agricultural labor shortages, improve our products in the international market competitiveness. The experimental procedures contains are 1) to promote of intelligent and precise management technology on the export professional fields of edamame. 2) to establish an environmental control network system on large farms. 3) to establish a smart management system for edamame processing. The experimental expectant benefits are 1) to promote the application of smart GPS tractor and multi-function management machine on the export professional fields of edamame, and upgrade the mechanized management to the intelligent precise management system, reduce production costs by 30%, and increase operation efficiency by 50%. It can reduce the risk of pesticide residues and improve the safety of raw materials. 2) to introduce a smart growth and disease insect imaging monitoring system in the demonstration field of edamame, in order to reduce the damage of diseases and pests by 10%, and improve the intelligent precise management. 3) to counsel edamame processing plants to introduce smart cold chain monitoring technology and product smart selection image identification system, to reduce the risk of product deterioration. It will reach more than 2.55 billion dollars a year, to enhance Taiwanese competitiveness in the international market.
<b>0:The Development Plan of Traceable Tea Industry and Intelligence Management</b>At present, agricultural population is aging and short-handed in Taiwan. Tea plantation is small and scattered, so mechanization management is unfavorable. Moreover, the environmental Information of tea garden is too complex to find the best cultivation and production model. So virtually increase the costs of labors. Besides, the consumers are more and more concerned of the safety of tea. In this study, we'll develop the intelligent management tools and traceable system to assist field production and traceable requirements management. With the intelligent management tools including automatically sensing device, intelligent robots, and Big Data analysis, the field production of tea plantation could be improved. By the traceable system, the base parameter of tea plantation including soil, crop cover, pests, climate and crop fertility could be traced, and a digital services could be offered for clients and consumers. At the same time, we'll use this tools to build up a demonstration field for testing the model of intelligent management.
<b>0:Research on Intelligent Tea Making and Tea Processing Automation</b>Research on Automation of Oolong Tea and Frozen Tea Processing At present, the automated production for black tea and green tea are quite mature. AS for partially fermented oolong teas in Taiwan, many tasks such as withering operation, pan-frying, twisting and drying are still used in tandem. Therefore, oolong tea manufacturing wants to achieve mechanization and automation. This project plans to develop a tea automatic discharging mixer with a layered withering rack, and connect continuous pan-frying, twisting and drying machinery in series, with a monitoring and feedback control system, so that the Taiwan oolong tea process can be automated and standardized. With improving the efficiency of tea production, the manpower could be reduced. The frozen tea refers to the rolled tea without complete drying and finally being stored under freezing temperature. The aroma of frozen tea is rich and obvious. However, most frozen tea has been sold in bulk package recently, which makes it not convenient in product usage and brewed by consumers. In addition, the frozen tea is not easy for storage due to the concern that the water content is relatively high as well as the potential bacteria amount, which would affect the promotion and application of frozen tea. This study aims to establish the automated processing of frozen tea and discuss its possible product application. With the consideration of several qualities during the processing procedure, including aroma maintenance, tea quality, bacteria amount, expiration date and packing model, we would like to establish a standard production process of frozen tea. In addition, we could expect to merchandize the frozen tea by rapid freezing technique and small size packaging, and also develop various packing methods and forms of frozen tea for use of bagged tea onsumption, cool-extracted processing, beverage chain stores and beverage manufacturing factories.
Research of labor saving process technology for commercial ball-type tea during drum-rolling process. The process of ball-type tea requires repeated extrusion by extruder in Taiwan. However, excessive extrusing will make the particles too tight, which makes it difficult to remove the moisture in the curled part of the tea during the drying process, thereby affecting the quality. The drum-rolling machine is an early tea shaping method in Longtan, Taoyuan. It has the advantages of convenient operation and convenient tea making process arrangement. This study intends to use the production mode of partially fermented teas with drum-rolling machine. It is expected to replace the current extrusion mode, establish process parameters and conditions, improve the extraction efficiency of commercial spherical tea, and strengthen the characteristics of local teas, as the future parameter basis for the development of automated or intelligent equipment. |