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計畫名稱: 園藝作物收穫後處理技術改進(II)
計畫主持人: 劉富文
共同計畫主持人: 李堂察;謝慶昌;林慧玲;林芳存;林瑞松;柯立祥;郭純德;王自存;李允中;洪登村
計畫編號: 89科技-1.1-糧-70(z)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 台灣大學園藝學系
全程計畫年: 2000
摘要: 本計畫之目的在透過研究改良舊技術或開發新技術以提昇園產品採後處理與貯藏所應用之方法.技術之改良研發可改善園產品之品質保存,增加價值,並減少腐損及降低成本.在國際貿易日益自由化之際,採後技術之改良可提升我國園產品在國內市場與進口貨競爭之實力,並可進一步拓展外銷市場.改善產品品質是維持園藝產業發展必走之途徑.行政院農業委員會所主政之園產品採後處理改良研究計畫近十年來有相當良好的整合協調.89年度之計畫為配合政策,必須分為會內單位計畫與會外單位計畫二部分.本計畫係屬會外單位(包括大專院校)之彙整計畫,單獨看略顯偏頗而不十分平衡.但著眼另一部分會內計畫合起來即見其完整性.完整性之計畫包括水果、蔬菜及花卉之採後處理技術改善,概略依經濟價值之大小分配資源.本計畫之重要研究內容包括下列11項: (1) 改良主要柑桔椪柑、柳橙與桶柑之普通通風貯藏與窯洞貯藏方法,以減少腐損,並保有品質. (2) 研發三種柑桔之實用低溫檢疫處理技術及椪柑催色技術,以利拓展外銷. (3) 研究明尼桔柚與茂谷柑等新興柑桔品種之果實貯運條件,以利產業之發展. (4) 研發愛文芒果軟熟果之貯藏適溫及其他品種之耐寒性,以利改進運銷. (5) 研究珍珠拔之貯運條件及探討外銷之可行性. (6) 研究粉殼等重要品種龍眼之耐貯能力及最佳貯運條件,以延長運銷期間. (7) 研究梨之氣變貯藏方法,期以低成本高效率之方法延長梨之貯運期間. (8) 以熱處理控制芒果與印度棗之採後病害. (9) 研究非常不易保存之豇豆保鮮技術以利運銷. (10) 研究改良台灣現行之葉菜類壓差預冷技術及設備以提高效率及降低成本. (11) 研究玫瑰切花不開花及花色劣變之原因並開發保鮮劑以改善切花之瓶插壽命.本計畫之完成裨益九類十餘種之園產品(包括水果、蔬菜及切花)採後技術改良.況且改良之方法尚可應用到其他相類似的種類上.此十餘種作物目前年產值逾230億元.研發改良的技術將來推廣採用之後,可創造可觀的經濟效益。The objectives of this project are to improve current methods and to develop new methods for postharvest handling of horticultural crops produced in Taiwan. Improved postharvest technology enables growers and packers to maintain quality and enhance value of their products, therefore, making them more competitive in domestic as well as international markets. Major work plans include the following: (1) Improvement on facilities and management of newly designed air-ventilated common storage and cave storage for improving quality and reducing decay loss of Taiwan's major citrus fruits - Ponkan, Tankan and Liucheng orange. (2) Development of practical low-temperature quarantine treatment and degreening method for export citrus fruits. (3) Studies on handling and storage requirements for Mineola tanglo, Marcott and other citrus varieties new to Taiwan. (4) Identification of optimum low storage temperature for ripen Irwin mango and observation of chilling tolerance for other mango cultivars. (5) Studies on desirable handling methods and keeping conditions for `Jen-Ju` guavas for domestic markets, and assessment for their export potentiality. (6) Studies on best handling and storage methods for longan in order to extend its marketing period. (7) Development of low cost and effective modified atmosphere storage technology for locally grown Asian pears in order to extend their markets. (8) Trial of heat treatment methods for decay control for mango and Indian jujube. (9) Studies on proper handling and marketing methods for highly perishable southern beans. (10) Improvement on facilities and technology for forced-air cooling of leafy vegetables currently practiced in Taiwan. (11) Studies on causes and remedies for flower-opening disorders and petal deterioration in rose cut-flowers and development for desirable formula of preservatives. The project covers postharvest technology development and/or improvement for more than dozen species of major horticultural crops. The total valu e of annual production of these crops exceeds NT$23 billion. Improved handling and/or storage methods for these crops will generate considerable revenue and profit for growers. Quality improvement and cost reduction of the produce will also benefit consumers.
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