摘要: 本研究之目的在於改善本省幾種重要之園藝作物之採收後處理、包裝、運輸及貯藏之技術,包括探討荔枝品種、成熟度、預冷處理對貯藏品質之影響;印度棗以熱處理減少低溫貯運之寒害;大蒜球高溫貯藏及加溫庫之改善以及種蒜之貯藏力;綠竹筍冰水預冷、包裝、貯運溫度之影響,找出適當之外銷處理方法;苦瓜、番茄加乙烯吸收劑對品質之改善;彩色甜椒催色技術;胡蘿蔔以栽培管理及貯藏環境與藥劑處理以降低貯藏病害;原生蔬菜如紅鳳菜、山芹菜、學菜、落葵之保鮮處理、包裝及貯放溫度;金針菜與山苦瓜貯藏適溫及不同包裝之效果.探討非洲菊及卡斯比亞切花立式容器插水運輸之效果;康乃馨切花不同品種、成熟度之瓶插壽命以及吸水性、呼吸率等生理變化;銀柳切枝不同色素及保鮮劑處理之影響;觀賞鳳梨與聖誕紅盆花海運銷日之貯運適溫、包裝方法、成熟度及季節之影響;並測試蔬菜新技術貯藏商業化,包括甘藍菜氣調貯藏,低乙烯冷藏、結球白菜預冷及低乙烯貯藏,以及大蒜球高溫貯藏商業化應用之效果及方法.預期本研究之結果能對這些作物找出較適當之採收處理貯運技術,可以減少其收穫後之腐損,提高其商品品質,並促進其外銷。The purpose of this research is the improve the postharvest handling, packaging, storage and transportation techniques of some important horticultural crops in Taiwan, The studies include litchi storage, jojoba heat treatment, garlic bulb storage, bamboo shoot precooling and transportation, bitter melon and tomato package with ethylene absorbent, coloration of sweet bell pepper, carrot storage, and postharvest handling, packaging and storage of some native vegetables. Also the postharvst handling and transportation of some cut flowers will be studied, such as gerbera, limonium, carnation and the coloration of cattail willow. For bromelia and poinsettia pot plants, the transportation technique for exportation, such as temperature, packaging, and maturity of plants will be investigated. Some newly developed storage technique will be tested in commercial scale storage including precooling, low ethylene storage of cabbage and Chinese cabbage, controlled atmosphere storage of cabbage and high temperature storage of garlic bulbs. It can be estimated that postharvest loss will be lowered, the quality after transportation and storage will be increased for those crops mentioned above. |