摘要: 在台灣加入國際貿易組織後生鮮農產品將面臨很大的打擊.發展低溫運銷系統是保持生鮮農產品國際競爭力的一個有效途徑.在這個計畫中我們將發展低溫運銷技術與設備操作的規範, 以提供資訊是農民、運銷或超市業者低溫運銷不可或缺的技術資訊.在今年的研究中將探討真空預冷機的規格與作業規範; 並建立洋香瓜、西瓜、草莓、鳳梨( 甘蔗鳳梨、甜蜜蜜鳳梨 )、檬果( 金煌 )、葡萄等在不同溫度之貯藏性狀及期限.收集相關資料編成類似書籍, 供農民及業者參考, 增進水果低溫運銷之效益.There will be a great impact on domestic produce market after Taiwan participating in WTO.The development of cold chain for produce marketing becomes one of the most significant ways to keep our produce competitive in world market.In this proposing research, technology of cold chain for produce will be studied, and good handling practice will be developed.Thus, to provide farmer or people working in supermarket and transportation the update information on produce handling and storage.The objectives for this annual study are to develop good handling practice of vacuum cooler for produce marketing and to investigate the storage life of melon, watermelon, strawberry, pineapple, mango, and grape etc.at different temperatures to decrease the loss of value during handling. |