摘要: 1、了解茂谷柑、明尼桔柚、血橙、臍橙、佛利蒙柑和艷陽柑等果實發育過程中形質變化, 以判斷最適宜之採收期和品質.2、了解上述品種之貯運特性, 以供包裝和調節出貨之依據.預期效益: 建立茂谷柑、明尼桔柚、血橙、臍橙、Nova和艷陽柑等新興柑桔品種果實品質之優劣, 供推廣之依據, 並建立貯藏和調節出貨之方法。Objective: Studies on fruit development and handling of newly introduced citrus cultivar in Taiwan.Expected output: 1.Relationship between fruit growth analysis and harvest handling and quality of newly introduced citrus cultivars ( Murcott, Minneola tangelo, Navel orange and Blood orange )in Taiwan.2.And also studies the storage potential of newly introduced citrus cultivar in Taiwan. |