計畫名稱: 台灣新興柑桔品種果實發育和貯運特性之研究 |
計畫主持人: 李堂察 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 91農科-1.1.1-糧-Z8(2) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 嘉義大學園藝學系 |
全程計畫年: 2002 |
關鍵字: 柑桔;栽培品種;果實發育;品質;貯藏; Citrus;Cultivar Var;Fruit Development;Quality;Storage |
摘要: 1. 'Fairchild'和艷陽柑為典型的單s生長曲線.'Fairchild'和艷陽柑果實總酸含量隨果實發育而下降,糖隨果實之發育而增加.酸含量中以檸檬酸為主,總酸含量下降乃是因檸檬酸含量下降所致.糖以果糖和蔗糖為主. 2. 探討艷陽柑和'Fairchild'果實最適當之鮮食採收期.'Fairchild'於花後36週糖酸比達20以上,風味佳,為早熟品種.艷陽柑花後39週糖度高,顏色佳,但酸度仍高,宜貯藏. 3. 艷陽柑果實採後以12.5 ℃冷藏之效果優於簡易通風式貯藏。'Fairchild' and 'Sunburst' tangor growing in Chia-yi of Taiwan had a typical single sigmoid growth pattern. The total soluble solid content in 'Fairchild' and 'Sunburst' tangor increased and the titratable acidity(]﹪Mas citric acid)^ decreased during ontogency. The results indicated that the harvest time of 'Fair child' and 'Sunburst' tangor can be 36 weeks and 39 weeks after anthesis, respectively. The optimum storage temperature of 'Sunburst' tangor is at 12.5℃J. |
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