作者: 李允中;林棟樑;Yeun-Chung Lee;Doung-Liang Lin |
出版年: 2005 |
出版機構: |
出版國家: |
刊名: 園產品採後處理技術之研究與應用研討會專刊 |
期刊所屬國別: |
關鍵字: 預冷;蔬菜;水果;precooling;vegetables;fruits |
摘要: 短期葉菜類的預冷保鮮;小包裝蔬菜包裝前預冷;國軍副食及學校營養午餐蔬菜利用預冷提高供貨品質;蔬菜冷藏產銷調節;及蔬菜外銷保鮮處理上等園產作物的採後溫度管理技術在台灣已經普遍的使用。這些技術的推廣教育工作起源於80 年代,經過政府20 年的計畫輔導,現在壓差預冷、水冷與真空冷卻設備普遍的設置於各共同運銷點,預冷設備的使用促使園產品品質提高,農民與消費者都因而蒙利。本文回顧20 年來有關園產品的預冷研究與推廣狀況。 Today, in Taiwan postharvest temperature management for horticultural crops is a very common practice. The education of cooling technology for the farmer in Taiwan started in the 80. By 20 years effects of government sponsored projects forced-air cooling, hydrocooling and vacuum cooling facilities are commonly constructed in farmer’s shipping terminals. Precooling process became an essential procedure. Both producers and consumers are benefited from the high quality produce. In this paper the steps of procooling studies and extension works in Taiwan were reviewed. |
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