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計畫名稱: 具競爭力優質熱帶果樹品種之選育及栽培技術改進
計畫主持人: 謝鴻業
共同計畫主持人: 黃世宏;羅國偉;江淑雯;徐敏記;張栢滄;張林仁;陳思如;林慧玲;柯耀筆;朱堉君;林延諭;施伯明;盧柏松;陳京城;方信秀;李國譚;陳季呈;李文豪;李堂察;陳奕君;黃基倬;謝秋蘭;張哲嘉;葉文彬;梁佑慎;謝慶昌;葉德銘;劉碧鵑;林榕華;江一蘆
計畫編號: 104農科-9.5.5-子-C1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所鳳山分所蔬菜系
全程計畫年: 2015
關鍵字: 霧耕;莧菜;胺基酸;蘆筍;蘆筍;竹嵌紋病毒;綠竹;育種;育種;碳化稻殼;茭白筍;低溫貯藏;雜交;栽培技術;調理;金針菜;深層海水;酵素連結免疫吸附法;施肥;產期調節;果實品質;萎凋病;木虌子;大蒜;嫁接;青蔥;設施栽培;生長;耐熱;原生蔬菜;葉菜類蔬菜;萵苣;光環境;發光二極體;低溫貯藏;迷你種薯;氣變貯藏;中日照;硝酸鹽;有機氮化合物;春石斛;營養;洋蔥;有機質肥料;有機質肥料;豌豆;植株生育;穴盤;白粉病;設施栽培;設施;設施;整枝;走莖;篩選;種苗;種苗;單籽後裔法;無土栽培;草苺;草莓;草莓;草莓 ;aeroponics;Amaranthus spinosus L.;amino acid;asparagus;Asparagus;bamboo mosaic virus;Bambusa oldhamii Munro;breeding;Breeding;carbonized rice husk;Coba;cold storage;cross;cultural technique;curing;day lily;Deep Ocean Water;ELISA;fertilization;Forcing Cult
摘要: 青蔥品種改良 針對轄區內主要蔬菜作物青蔥進行耐熱品種選育工作,因青蔥性喜冷涼氣候,夏季栽培不易,且近年來溫室效應日益嚴重,夏季最高溫一再攀升,再加上颱風、豪雨、乾旱等天然災害,導致青蔥價格波動不已,為保持其價格平穩,本計畫擬繼續選拔耐熱青蔥品種,選育耐熱性佳且品質優良之青蔥新品種,增加農民夏季栽培青蔥品種之選擇,推廣供農民種植,提高蔥農收益,以保持青蔥價格平穩。夏作試驗結果顯示以雜交新品系HAF10484的產量較高,蔥白較長,表現較佳。 長豇豆抗病種原及適合恆春地區栽培之洋蔥品種篩選 本計畫目的在進行長豇豆抗萎凋病種原篩選藉以減少長豇豆萎凋病造成之生產損失。試驗進行長豇豆種原抗病性評估,選拔出抗病種原作為抗萎凋病育種之材料。同時亦將抗病種原作為嫁接根砧,評估與現有栽培種之嫁接親和性。洋蔥品種篩選方面,持續評估於適合恆春地區栽培之商業品種,推薦予農民作為栽培參考。 利用光環境與栽培技術促進蔬菜(如葫蘆科、菊科等)種苗活力之研究 本項為期三年之研究計畫旨在建立促進蔬菜(如葫蘆科、菊科等)種苗健康活力生長之光照系統,以提供種苗業者設置人工補光設備參考,又開發促進健壯苗株生長之最佳光照技術,包含光波段、光照強度、光照時間、光照期程等參數,以減少化學矮化劑使用。同時將提供不同光照處理組合對種苗光能利用效率之資料庫,以利未來農企業發展植物工場或高精密溫室建置前之參考數據。此外,亦將配合如栽培介質、肥料、滴灌及根系周遭溫度控制等研究,以提供相搭配之栽培技術。 茭白筍品種之改良與週年生產流程之研發 一、茭白筍為臺灣代表農作物,其食用肉質莖味美鮮甜,乃因黑穗菌感染共生,刺激細胞生長素及細胞分裂素之形成,使其莖部膨大而成。黑穗菌之感染,與其有性生殖分化過程有關,唯目前對其有性生殖之型式,形態分化,以及交配型基因之結構,所知仍相當有限。本計畫擬針對臺灣主要茭白筍產區,進行各地茭白筍黑穗菌單一小生子菌株之分離及培養,並系統性地進行有性生殖之配對及形態分化分析,成功配對之小生子組合進一步進行接種及結筍分析。此外,為提供茭白筍品種改良之理論基礎,本計畫亦將進行茭白筍黑穗菌交配型基因之選殖,廣泛分析各地茭白筍黑穗菌之交配型基因之遺傳特性,結合各種茭白筍植株與臺灣各地茭白黑穗菌小生子菌株配對的多樣性,期望篩選培育出更具特色的茭白筍品種,應用於茭白筍之產業。 深層海水在農業溫控栽培之利用研究 由於深層海水恢復供水時間未定,在本年度的試驗中,本場將以冰水機模擬深層海水冷源,提供降根溫系統及涼溫系統使用。本年度在蔬菜及花卉將分別以皺葉萵苣及春石斛進行夏季栽培及催花試驗。皺葉萵苣以生食嫩葉為主,又名生菜。 由於其色彩及裂葉的形態變化豐富,外形美觀,很受消費者的歡迎。臺灣栽培適期為10-3月。但於高溫期栽培時,其莖葉苦味較濃。本場將利用降根溫系統進行栽培,改善夏季高溫期栽培問題。春石斛花形與花色瑰麗繽紛,具怡人香氣,可為高價之盆花。目前春石斛之主要生產及育種國為日本、荷蘭、泰國等;臺灣春石斛栽培雖歷史悠久,但品種幾乎皆由國外引進,除種苗費高昂外,亦有品種風土適應性不佳,不易掌握品種生長及開花特性,導致花朵品質不佳等問題。春石斛之開花機制與蝴蝶蘭類似,假球莖成熟後經一段低溫處理即可開花;一般而言,春石斛之正常花期為華人年節後,故進行催花調節產期至春節前後應為重要策略。本研究將利用冰水機於小型催花冷房進行催花試驗,篩選適合催花品種及方法。 臺東地區特色蔬菜作物育種及量產技術試驗研究 臺東地區具有豐富的原生蔬菜種質資源,本場投入相關種原蒐集及栽培技術研究已有多年成果。部分種類,如金針菜,已投入育種研究並育成多個優良品種。為增進轄區內原生蔬菜應用及推廣,並充分利用所蒐集之種原,本場選定金針菜(Hemerocallis spp.)、翼豆(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.)及木虌子(Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.))等具發展潛力之作物,進行品種選育及栽培技術研究。 豌豆抗白粉病育種 豌豆用途繁多,頗富經濟價值,為臺灣重要冬季蔬菜之一,產區主要集中在臺灣中部地區。目前臺灣豌豆栽培,以白粉病(Powdery mildew)為主要病害,而現有推廣之大莢用商業品種均不抗白粉病。本研究的目地為選育出抗白粉病大莢豌豆新品種,藉由雜交方式導入抗白粉病,以育成具抗白粉病能力,且生育旺盛,嫩莢美觀,豐產及品質優良等特性。 北部地區優質區域性特殊蔬菜品種改良與栽培技術改進 本年度目標為進行萵苣新品系性狀檢定及雜交育種的優良品系進行世代培育。預期效益為選育質優、豐產葉用萵苣新品種並充實萵苣育種種原,以及獲得雜交後代,供為進一步育種材料。為解決夏季青葱產銷失衡的困境,本研究將進行選育耐濕性強之品種,新品系比較試驗,炭化稻殼對根螨防治及有機質肥料施用量等試驗,達到提高農民收益。本計畫旨在選育綠竹優良品系,本年度進行第五年綠竹品系竹筍產期、產量調查,完成竹類嵌紋病ELISA檢驗,進行TYB05250品系及對照品種分株苗性狀檢定。莧菜品種改良擬進行新品系TYA01等7個品種(系)比較試驗及性狀檢定。比較試驗與性狀檢定在夏季於設施內進行,對照組品種為紅莧與白莧。本研究目的在於開發設施蘆筍離地栽培模式,降低設施蘆筍生產成本。達成設施蘆筍周年生產之目標,增進北部設施蔬菜栽培多樣化及生產力,提高農民收益。草苺品種選育目的為育成適應台灣氣候環境、早生、果實碩大、硬實、質優且豐產品種,推廣農民栽培,提高產量及收益。 蔬菜育種、生產及採後處理之技術研發 西洋南瓜栽培技術之研究 研究不同品種之西洋南瓜在露天栽培下的整蔓方式、留葉數以及培肥管理以生產高產量及品質佳之果實,確定適合西洋南瓜露天栽培方法,提高西洋南瓜單位面積產量,生產品質佳之果實,穩定南瓜之生產。 大蒜蒜球採收後調理及貯藏技術之改進 臺灣蒜球主要栽培‘大片黑’品種,採收後之蒜球,一般的室溫通風貯藏,只具6個月貯藏壽命,於秋冬之際溫度降低時,很容易發芽、發根進而引起皺縮、腐爛,其中如何避免發芽,若能將蒜球貯藏至隔年的2-3月銜接新的產期,是目前蒜球貯藏技術上主要研究的方向。目前蒜球採收後以人工熱風進行調理,使其失重20-30%再進行貯藏,但經過人工乾燥的蒜瓣,在貯藏過程中常有褐點或黃辦(俗稱熟辦)的情形發生,推測可能和溫度或處理時間有關,因此,本試驗擬藉由熱風乾燥處理以建立適當的調理條件,並配合低溫真空貯藏技術及低溫變溫貯藏技術 之開發,以降低蒜球貯藏之劣變,延長蒜球之貯藏壽命達到周年供應之需求。 提升設施栽培蔬菜生產技術-建立低硝酸鹽高品質蔬菜生產之研究 硝酸鹽含量是蔬菜品質的一個重要特性,硝酸鹽本身是相對無毒的,但其代謝物可能會產生一些健康上的風險。許多研究皆指出氮肥施用、光強度與蔬菜採收時機皆是影響蔬菜硝酸鹽累積的關鍵因子,因此本計劃針對易累積硝酸鹽之作物萵苣、青梗白菜、蕹菜與菠菜等,評估栽培於簡易塑膠布溫室與網室等環境下硝酸鹽累積之差異,探討光強度與光週期對蔬菜累積硝酸鹽之模式;長期動態調查與分析北、中、南三大都會區市售蔬菜累積硝酸鹽之情況;以及不同類型氮肥施用對於萵苣、青梗菜與菠菜等生長表現、產量及硝酸鹽累積含量變化的情形,並透過採收後經不同光環境、溫度與時間低溫貯藏,評估採後不同光源光照處理與溫度條件對蔬菜硝酸鹽累積之影響,建立低硝酸鹽之青梗白菜、菠菜與萵苣等設施生產模式,提供設施蔬菜生產時,氮肥施用參考之依據,以做為農民未來生產低硝酸鹽蔬菜之建議。 無病毒馬鈴薯迷你種薯生產技術之建構 本研究計畫設置霧耕裝置生產馬鈴薯迷你種薯,霧耕生長之馬鈴薯植株生長勢正常,霧耕栽培的植株開花較土耕的植株快速。霧耕栽培每株可獲得102個平均結薯量,迷你種薯平均重量為2.9 克(g),平均長度為2.6 公分 (cm),每顆種薯平均有12個芽點。霧耕生產的迷你種薯可以以低溫 (4℃) 貯藏打破休眠性,並可以GA 50 mg/L 處理打破種薯休眠。今年度計畫將測試霧耕生產的迷你種薯田間生長特性,評估迷你種薯應用於馬鈴薯田間栽培的可能性。 選育適合高溫長日設施栽培的中日照型草莓品種和設施周年栽培試驗 草莓性喜冷涼氣候,台灣豐香系列品種屬短日品種,只能於冬季短日開花,大部分為露地畦面覆蓋塑膠布栽培,近年來高架設施栽培漸多,但受限於短日基因型限制進入高溫長日其就無法開花,本計畫將引入中日照品種並於設施內試種,該類型品種氣溫介於2-29.5oC之間都可以開花,不受日長影響。由於中日照品種仍被美日國家品種保護而且受環境影響開花,所以無法直接引種須要自行選育品種,本計畫將進行中日照品種子代選拔和回交育種,將中日照開花基因導入一般短日品種。溫帶國家的草莓設施栽培很普遍而且有較高的收益,荷蘭的草莓種植於玻璃溫室內,但德國、英國、以色列和法國等國家大部分用溫室栽培草莓,台灣也有採用高架草莓栽培生長良好。本計畫選育的中日型草莓,期能用水牆降溫設施栽培草莓,建立草莓周年生產體系。 設施草莓苗生產體系建立 草莓(Fragaria Xananasa Duch.)源自北美溫帶地區,性喜冷涼氣候,不耐暑熱;因此,在臺灣低海拔地區,草莓栽培模式限定在中秋至春末。此外,在台灣相對溫暖潮濕的栽培環境下栽培草莓,常致使較嚴重的病蟲害發生,導致化學藥劑使用量過高及果實之農藥殘留之疑慮。因此,若能利用精密調控環境栽培母株,於設施中生產穴盤苗,以利設施中有效隔離病蟲害,生產生產高品質草莓的栽培模式。前2年的試驗結果顯示,可藉由走莖扦插繁殖子株,獲得健康種苗,配合冷藏技術,可以配合產業調節出苗時程,並錯開田間不利環境對苗株的影響並改變農民育苗習慣。本年度計畫目標將調整為改善低溫貯藏條件,延長走莖儲藏壽命,降低農民應用門檻,提高應用率。   設施番茄補光技術之研究(2/3) 番茄是經濟價值高、營養豐富的果菜類園藝作物。番茄之生產需要有充足之光照,光度足夠時,植株生長快而健壯,早期產量也較高。北部地區番茄栽培大多集中在秋冬季,因地理環境因素秋冬季節容易受東北季風影響,以致於光照量與光照時間普遍比中南部地區少,尤其是設施栽培中,此一情形更加明顯,嚴重影響番茄產量與品質。因此本研究之目的,擬探討設施栽培之番茄所需光環境條件,以作為設施栽培補光之依據,可解決日照不足之環境下設施番茄生產之問題,並可提高栽培密度,達到提高產量與品質之目的。 苗栗地區重要蔬菜栽培技術改進 一、 本計畫目的在改進臺灣草莓現有的栽培品種易感病及品種單一缺點。雜交不同品種(系)之後裔,經單株選拔及品系比較試驗,育出具高品質、大果、具特殊香氣及抗病性的優良新品系。採用主成分分析方法,以具代表性之綜合評估指標進行評估,作為育種選拔的輔助工具,並研究草莓親本與後代的香味成份的差異,建立香味育種的基本資料庫。 設施蘆筍產期調節之研究 設施蘆筍生產減少颱風與豪雨危害,增加蘆筍產期與收益。調節設施蘆筍園休閒期,冬季保溫不留母莖生產蘆筍調節蘆筍產期。改善蘆筍集中生產調節市場供需,達設施蘆筍周年生產目的。 Breeding of green onion Green onion (Allium fistulosum L.) is the most important vegetable crops in Yi-Lan area. Unfortunately, influence by typhoon, heavy rain and high temperature had caused green onion grew difficultly on summer season, so price of green onion was often unstable. In the study of heat tolerance of green onion breeding, the varieties of good quality, high yield and heat tolerance were selected from collected green onion varieties and hybrid progenies. And results of horticultural characteristics showed the HAF10484 new line of hybrid progeny have good performance under summer crop with higher yield, long length of blanched. Screening of disease resistant in yard-long bean and onion varieties adaptable to Hengchun area This project is focus on Fusarium wilt resistant screening of yard-long bean germplasms to reduce production lost of yard-long bean caused by Fusarium oxysporum. The evaluation of resistance will be carried out and Fusarium wilt resistant plants are as the materials for the breeding program. Meanwhile, the resistant accessions are as the grafting root stock with the present commerical cultivar that grafting compatibilities are also estimated. On the onion varieties screening, the commercial varieties in Taiwan will be collected and screened, 2 or 3 appropriate varieties will be recommended to farmers according to the results of this project. Studies on light environment and cultivation techniques to improve seedling vigor of vegetables (e.g., Cucurbitaceae and Asteraceae) The vitality of seedlings is known to in relation to field performance of plants in their early growth. However, due to the lack of suitable lighting conditions in between seasons or in bad weather, seedlings of plant species of Cucurbitaceae and Asteraceae often suffer from lower lighting intensity. The objectives of this 3-year research project are therefore to set up appropriate light environment that provides proper waveband(s) with adequate light intensity, duration and timing to ensure the production of healthy, vigorous seedlings (e.g., iceberg lettuce and cucumber) in uniformity. Artificial light sources, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and energy-saving light bulb, will be integrated to form a lighting system that lead to this application. The apparatus assembled for such purpose could be extended to the use in crop production under protected structures as well as in plant factory. Moreover, growth medium, fertilizers, water supply and root-zone temperature control will also be considered and applied as complementary practices. Finally, all developed items will be integrated as various applied modules for technology transfer to industry. Variety improvement and year round production of water bamboo 一、Water bamboo or wateroat, Zizania latifolia, is one of the representative crops in Taiwan. The delicious edible crown galls of stem tissues are developed by the infection of a smut fungus, Ustilago esculenta. The infection cycle of U. esculenta is known to associate with its sexual differentiation process, however, the type of mating system, detailed morphogenetic events, and the structures of mating type loci in U. esculenta are still largely unknown. In this proposal, we aim to collect and cultivate the U. esculenta sporidial isolates from major production areas of water bamboo in Taiwan, and conduct systematic analyses of mating pairing and sexual morphogenesis. Successful mating of sporidial pairs will be subjected to inoculation tests and edible gall formation will be evaluated. Furthermore, we also aim to clone the genes of U. esculenta mating type loci and extensively characterize the allelic structures of field population. We hope to understand the mating system and genetic diversitand genetic diversity of U. esculenta, provide the breeding basis of variety improvement, and apply our findings to water bamboo crop industry.y of U. esculenta, provide the breeding basis of variety improvement, and apply our findings to water bamboo crop industry. Study on utilizing deep ocean water on temperature-controlled agricultural cultivation system Since the deep ocean water pumping system is still under repair up to now, we have decided to use liquid chiller as a substitute cooling system for both root-zone cooling system and AC system. In this study, selected crops of vegetable and flower are leaf lettuce and Nobile Dendrobium, respectively. A common cultivation problem of leaf lettuce in summer is bitter taste of its leaf. We decide to improve this problem by using root-zone cooling system. Nobile Dendrobium is one of the most commonly cultivated Dendrobium species; the newest varieties have all the good characteristics of color combination, flower shape and size, fragrance. Currently production and breeding of the major countries are Japan, the Netherlands, and Thailand. The cultivation of nobile Dendrobium in Taiwan has decades experience, but the source of major varieties are almost imported by other country. The obvious disadvantages are difficult to realize the characteristics of varieties, and to cause poor quality of flowers finally. For the above reasons, the majority of companies still regard extra income instead of professional income by nobile Dendrobium in Taiwan. In order to increase the competitiveness of the international flower market, to research appropriate production strategies for Taiwan's subtropical climate and local varieties are important. This study attempts to use AC system to conduct flower forcing experiment on nobile Dendrobium. Research on breeding and production of characteristic vegetables in Taitung area Taitung area is rich in germplasm of indigenous vegetable. Taitung DARES has devoted to collect germplasms and improve cultivation method of indigenous vegetables for many years. In order to promote indigenous vegetables and utilize collected germplasms in Taitung area, we select several vegetables with development potential such as day lily (Hemerocallis spp.) , winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) and gac (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.)) for breeding new varieties and improving their cultivation method. Breeding for Powdery Mildew Resistance of Pea Peas (Pisum sativum L.), with various usages and great economic value, is one of important winter vegetable in central Taiwan. Powdery mildew is the major disease for pea production, however, the current commercial varieties are Powdery mildew inresistant.The object of this study is to develop new pea varieties by hybridization. It respects to breed fresh pod available variety with powdery mildew resistant, vigorous growth, beautiful pod shape, high yield and quality ..etc. Improvement of Varietal and Cultivation Technique of regional special Vegetable in Northern Taiwan The purpose of this study is to improve variety of lettuce with high quality and yield, rapid growth under plastic house. Performances trials of new lines of lettuce and advance of F6 will be conducted in 2015.To solve the problem of production and marketing unbalance for welsh onion on summer season, this research will be carried out to breed the wet tolerant variety, comparison test for new lines, carbonized rice husk for prevention and treatment of Rhizoglyphus mite and amount of fertilizer control on welsh onion. To increase the income of farmers. The experiment is conducted to select the excellent line of green bamboo. The works of this year for green bamboo include evaluating the fifth year yield and period of bamboo shoots, using ELISA test for bamboo mosaic disease, conducting the DUS test for line TYB05250 and control cultivars.The study will be conducted to have a varieties (lines) comparison testing for 7 new lines of Amaranthus spinosus, two commercial cultivars as a control, to have the second periods varieties (lines) test under the plastic house during summer season.This study aims to develop the technique for above-ground soilless asparagus cultivation, which may reduce the cost of production and enhance the variability of plastic house vegetable production in northern Taiwan. Through the year-round asparagus production model, farmers' productivity and income could be increased.The purpose of strawberry breeding is aim to breed new cultivar of adaption in Taiwan’s climate, early fruit,hard fruit, high quality, high yield. The excellent clones could be obtained and extended to farmers after registration. Research and development of vegetable breeding, production and postharvest treatments technology  Study the techniques for winter squash cultivation For the production of high-quality winter squashs in field. This study investigated the factors that may improve winter squash quality and production, including the pruning method, number of leaves, and fertilization. The high quality fruit and yield can be obtained. Improvement of Postharvest Technology and Storage Quality of Garlic Bulb   Ta-Pen-Hey” is a major garlic cultivar in Taiwan.  After harvesting, garlic is usually stored at room temperature with air circulation.  However, the storage life can only last for 6 months.  During autumn and winter, low temperature can induce  sprouting and rooting results in wrinkled and rotten cloves. The man research goal for autumn and winter storage is therefore to prevent sprouting and rooting and to lengthen the storage life till the following February and March.  Currently, garlic bulb after harvest exposed to hot air for a curing process until 20-30% of weight loss is achieved before storage.  The hot air treated cloves often show brown or yellow spot (known as ripen cloves) which may be related to temperature and the length of treatment.  Thus, the purpose of this study is to set up the curing condition using hot air treatment, to coordinate with vacuum low temperature storage technique and temperature fluctuation to reduce cloves deterioration and prolong its storage life, and to achieve a year round supply of garlic cloves. Improvement of vegetables production under protected structure- Establishment of low nitrate-content cultivating techniques of vegetables The nitrate content in vegetables has become a significant issue in recent years. In order to reduce not only the farming production cost, but also environmental stress, this project aims to establish appropriate fertilization strategies and storage of different light environments for vegetables by conventional farming systems or organic cultivation. Long-term dynamics investigation and analysis the nitrate contents in 1,500 vegetable samples purchased from the metropolitan areas market. It is hoped that the results of this study will promote vegetable production as well as ensure human health and safety, environmental friendliness, and sustainable operation. In this study, Pak-choi, spinach, and lettuce of the Cruciferace family were examined. Establishing growing systems for production of virus free potato minitubers Previous study has established an aeroponic system for production of potato minitubers. Our results showed that potato plants grown on the aeroponic system exhibited normal growth vigor similar to those grown in soil substrate. Time required for flowering is shorter in the plants grown on the aeroponic system than those grown in the soil substrate. The aeroponic grown potato produced average 102 minitubers per plant. The average weight of minitubers was 2.9 g/minituber. The average length of minituber was 2.6 cm. The average bud number for each minituber was 12 per minituber. The bud dormancy of minitubers was broken by storage at 4℃; moreover, GA (GA 50 mg/L) replaced the low temperature effect on dormancy breaking of minituber’s buds. The project’s goal of this year is to examine the field growth response of generated from minitubers produced from the aeroponic system. Our results can evaluate the applicability of minitubers in the potato field production. Developing day-neutral type strawberry and used in greenhouse cultivation under warm climate Strawberry is temperate crop and only grown in winter in Taiwan now, really there have neutral-day period (ND) of strawberry developed in US and Japan which may flower under 2-29.5oC and do not affected by the day-period. In research project the ND type of strawberry will introduced into Taiwan, the supeior lines of ND type will be developed by selecting plants from progreny of ND plants and will cross of ND type with SD type, then back cross with SD type. The developing superior line will be cultured in greenhouse for producing summer season strawberry. Due to the ND plants of strawberry produce less runner, so theses plants will be treated with high N fertilzer and Long-day for inducing runners. The establishment of facility runner production 一、 Strawberry (Fragaria Xananasa Duch.) originated from North America and favors cool temperature, the production of strawberry is restricted in mid-autumn to late spring in low land of Taiwan. Moreover, the relative warm and humid growing environment makes strawberry much vulnerable to pathogen, and which results in over application of chemicals. Therefore, we intend to establish a facility production system for plug-grown strawberry plants. The result of previous 2 years, we developed a protocol for producing plug-grown strawberry plants. In addition, by introducing cold storage, we are able to avoid detrimental environment for cuttage production. The objective of this year is to improve the cold storage technique to lengthen the storage duration and lower the application threshold. Study on the Supplymental Light Technique of Tomato Production under Protected Culture (2/3) In the past centuries, tomato had become one of the worldwide popular fruits due to its high nutritional value, low in calories, tolerance to storage and transportation, diverse cooking methods, etc. In tomato production, high quality plants is one of the most important factors in obtaining good yields. The good yield and quality tomatoes are usually produced from greenhouse or protected culture. Light is one of the main factors limiting the yield of tomato plants grown under greenhouse. Limited amount of available natural sunlight and diminished light intensity in winter reduces the growth and yield of tomatoes in the greenhouse. Supplementation of artificial lights in greenhouse is a better approach to alleviate this drawback. The objective of this project is to evaluate the suitable light environment and culture system to product tomato and to investigate the effects of light quality, interlighting regimes to extend photoperiod and to increase light intensity on the growth and yield of greenhouse-grown tomatoes. The cultivation techniques improvement of several important vegetable in Miaoli area 一、 The purpose of this plan is to improve the cultivar of strawberry in Taiwan. The strains which were high quality, big, and flavor fruit with resistance to diseases were selected from the progeny of the crosses of popular cultivar of strawberry. The strawberry fruit quality analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA) could set the standard index for selected new strawberry cultivar. The based breeding database of aroma could set by analysis of volatile components of strawberry fruit. Studies on Forcing Culture of Asparagus in the Protected Facility The purpose of this project is to establish an effective cultivation method for asparagus  in protection facilities to avoid damage from typhoons and heavy rainfall, We hope to delay the autumn harvest into winter and regulate the supply into the market to achieve year round production of asparagus。
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