摘要: 本實驗取臺灣目前的栽培品種為砧木,以金煌芒果為接穗,以期明瞭不同品種芒果實生苗對無機元素吸收運移之能力,並選拔一個對鈣離子吸收能力強之品種作為金煌之砧木,提高植物體內鈣含量,進而了解缺鈣與果實劣變發生之關係。結果顯示,施鈣時不同品種實生苗之葉片內鈣含量由高而低依序為:本地種、臺農一號、凱特、海頓、蜂蜜、金煌、紅龍、愛文及聖心,未施鈣時則為: 本地種、臺農一號、蜂蜜、海頓、紅龍、凱特、愛文、金煌及聖心;嫁接不同砧木後,金煌接穗葉片內鈣含量由高而低依序為:紅龍、臺農一號、本地種、聖心、凱特、海頓、金煌及愛文;經修剪後則為:本地種、臺農一號、凱特、聖心、紅龍、海頓、金煌及愛文;第二年田間栽培時實生苗之鈣含量由高而低依序為:臺農一號、紅龍、本地種、海頓、聖心、愛文及金煌。 在葉片氮 / 鈣方面愛文、凱特及金煌較其它品種之砧木為高,亦是劣變易發生之品種, 因此推測果實劣變之發生與葉片氮 / 鈣可能具相關性。 最後本實驗結果建議本地種及臺農一號由於對鈣離子吸收運移之能力較其它砧木強且穩定,因此可供作金煌芒果砧木選種及育種時之參考。The objectives of this experiment were to investigate the mango cultivars' abilities in the uptake and transport of mineral nutrients with special emphasis on the selection of a high Caabsorbing rootstock. The data will also be used as a guideline for choosing a rootstock for Chiin Whang' which is a deficiency-prone cultivar and to clarify the relationship between Ca deficiency and pre-harvest fruit deterioration. Results showed a significant difference in Ca content in leaves among cultivars which were arranged according to the Ca concentration in leaves (from high to low) after calcium fertilizer was applied. They were listed as Local Varity, 'Tai-Known No.1', 'Keitt', Haden', 'Phon-Mee', 'Chiin Whang', 'Hon-Long', 'Irwin' and ' Sensation'. The order in the control was Local Varity, 'Tai-Known No.1', 'Phon-Mee', 'Haden', 'Hon-Long', 'Keitt', 'Irwin', Chiin Whang' and 'Sensation'. Calcium concentration from high to low in leaves of 'Chiin Whang' after grafting were in the following order:'Hon-Long', 'Tai-Known No.1', Local Varity, 'Sensation', 'Keitt', 'Haden', 'Chiin Whang' and 'Irwin'. After pruning the order were: Local Varity, 'Tai-Know No.1', 'Keitt', 'Sensation', 'Hon-Long', 'Haden', 'Chiin Whang' and 'Irwin'. Leaf-calcium concentrations of cultivars planting in field were 'Tai-Known No.1', 'Hon-Long', Local Varity, 'Haden', 'Sensation', 'Irwin' and 'Chiin Whang'. The N to Ca ratios of 'Irwin','Keitt' and 'Chiin Whang' leaves were higher than those of the other cultivars. Since the three cultivars mentioned above are sensitive to Ca-deficiency, thus the pre-harvest fruit deterioration seems to be associated with a high N/Ca in leaves. Results also indicated that Local Varity and 'Tai-Known No.1' had higher Ca uptake and transport capacities. It is suggested that these cultivars could be adopted as rootstocks in the cultivation and breeding of 'Chiin Whang' mango. |