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作者: 李堂察;俞永標
刊名: 中國園藝
出版年: 1983
關鍵字: 一氧化碳;果實;綠黴病;椪柑
摘要: 本試驗主要探討人工大氣配合一氧化碳封於防止椪柑果實腐爛以及對品質之影響。人工大氧(5%氧氣加5%二氧化碳)添加5或9%一氧化碳能極顯著的抑制接種綠黴菌椪柑果實之腐爛。然而,空氧中添加5%一氧化碳卻加速腐爛。萬力和人工大氣封抑制椪柑果實腐爛亦具效果。人工大氣添加一氧化碳,於25℃下6天,普不影響東方果實蠅蟲卵孵化能力。經8天處理後,人工大氣和一氧化碳並不影響椪柑果實之可溶性固形物含量,酸度和糖酸比。由試驗結果推測,人工大氣配合5%一氧化碳在本省椪柑果實貯運上,對於防止綠黴病之聯生極具實用價值。 Controlled atmosphere (CA) in combination with carbon monoxide (CO) was tested to evaluate the effectiveness on the control of green mold on 'Ponkan' oranges (Citrus reticulate Blanco). CO at 5 or 9% combination with 5% O2±5% CO2 significantly reduced the decay incidence and severity on inoculated 'Ponkan' orange held at 25℃ for up to 4 or 6 days However CO addition to air without CA shows the highest rot development Ben-late or CA also showed effective but in less degree of decay control. CA with or without CO as a fumigation agent on the control of oriental fruit fly, the results showed that it is completely ineffective on the hatching rate nor mortality when the oriental fruit flies were held at 25℃ for up to 6 days. CO did not influence the soluble solid content, titratable acidity nor sugar/acid ratio of 'Ponkan' oranges after being treated for 8 days. The results suggest that use of CO added to CA is benificial for controlling the occurrance of green mold on storage and on transit of 'Ponkan' oranges.
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