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計畫名稱: 開發果品機能性、貯運加工技術與外銷市場分析研究
計畫主持人: 徐敏記
共同計畫主持人: 林慧玲;黃世宏;蘇育彥;謝慶昌;張栢滄;梁佑慎;張汶肇;陳京城;石佩玉;王怡玎;江一蘆;張春梅;黃勝新;李文豪;陳幼光;吳俊達;張哲嘉;林妤姍;羅惠萍;陳思如;李堂察
計畫編號: 107農科-7.3.4-子-C1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所作物組
全程計畫年: 107
關鍵字: 採後處理;水果;加工;整合栽培管理;品質;postharvest handling;Fruit;Processing;Integrated cultivation management;quality
摘要: 發展優勢水果產業提升內外銷競爭力(補助)本計畫主要目標在於整合近年來新研發之技術,以生產品質優良的水果,因應氣候變遷果樹栽培技術改進,並繼續研究更佳的栽培管理和採後處理技術,使品質更為提升,藉以增強內外銷市場之競爭力。本年度由果樹生理、栽培、遺傳育種和採後處理專家共提出有關鳳梨、番石榴、紅龍果、葡萄、印度棗、香蕉、芒果及文旦計畫等。本計畫擬建立具有量化效率的產業型保鮮技術,延長鮮果的貯運販賣壽命,以海運方式擴大海外市場遠距銷售。導入改良保鮮技術,確保外銷鮮果之耐貯運能力。工作內容包括果實成熟度之研判與選別、耐貯運果實之評選與清潔方法、果實貯運品質之維護與包裝、裝箱、船運條件之設定等。The main goal of this project is to integrate the novel developed technologies to improve the cultivation techniques of fruit trees in response to climate change. On the other hand will investigate better cultivation management and post-harvest handling technologies to enhance the quality and  the competition in the domestic and foreign markets. The plan will establish an industrial efficiency technologies with quantitative efficiency, prolong the storage and transportation life of fresh fruits. Improved fresh-keeping technologies to ensure the storage and transportation ability of fresh fruit for export. The work includes the grading and sorting of fruit maturity,  cleaning methods of fruit storage. The packaging of fruit storage and transportation quality, the conditions of packing and shipping.
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