摘要: 近年來農產品直銷逢勃發展,使農民重視包裝設計及運銷配送服務品質,葡萄、梨、甜柿、番石榴、椪柑是中部地區重要直銷果品,為提升果品包裝運銷品質,本年度擬研發適合冷藏運銷包裝盒,藉由產學合作計畫,進行產品物理性破裂、撥水度、耐壓強度、沖孔強度、耐冷藏試驗,及瞭解消費者與生產者試用滿意度,期望研發之產品可提高農民行銷服務品質。The agricultural product direct sale thrive exhibition in recent years. It makes farmers to value the packing design and delivery service quality. The tablegrape, pear, sweet persimmon, guava, ponkan are the important direct sale and export fruits in Taichung region. In order to promote fruits packing and marketing quality. That the purpose of this cooperation program is to develop a newly packing box to fit refrigerate. And to experiment its pyhsical blowout including the waterspray,pressure,bursting strength, puncture strength.To understand consumers and producers satisfaction. |