作者: 薛百祺;唐佳惠;官青杉;李堂察;Syue, Pai-chi;Tang, Chia-hui;Kuan, Ching-san;Lee, Tan-cha |
刊名: 臺灣農業研究 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2009 |
關鍵字: 苯丙氨酸解氨酶;多酚氧化酶;過氧化物酶;老化;寒害;Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase;Polyphenol oxidase;Peroxidase;Senescence;Chilling injury |
摘要: 鳳梨以低溫或常溫等方式進行貯運,一般業者多以5-10℃為貯運時之貯藏溫度,僅少數業者使用12.5℃。低溫貯藏2週再經25℃櫥架4天,貯於5℃之果實內部褐化症狀皆已達5級(即褐化面積佔果心及其附近果肉面積50%),故評定為喪失櫥架壽命;而貯於12.5℃之果實,經同樣貯藏及櫥架期後,果實內部褐化程度才達1級(即褐化面積佔果心及其附近果肉面積1-2%),顯示,最適合‘台農17號’之貯運溫度為12.5℃,在此溫度下可貯藏4週再加25℃下4天櫥架仍保有商品價值。目視記錄褐化指數並綜合亮度、彩度及色相角之變化,可客觀表達較微小的顏色變化,有助於褐化情形之判讀。果實貯藏於12.5℃和25℃並移入25℃櫥架4天後,苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia lyase;PAL)及過氧化物酶(peroxidase;POD)活性均隨貯藏時間之延長而增加,而貯於5℃之果實PAL和POD活性顯著低於貯於12.5℃之果實。多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase;PPO)活性隨貯藏時間之延長而降低,但貯於12.5℃之果實顯著高於貯於5℃及25℃之果實。Although both cold and room temperatures are used for storage of pineapple fruits in industry, 5℃ is currently more common storage temperature for this commodity than 12.5℃ or 25℃. The purpose of this study is to investigate the optimum storage temperature for 'TN 17' pineapple fruit, a dominant cultivar in Taiwan. Our results showed that 'TN 17' pineapple fruits developed severe internal browning of fruit tissues (browning intensity index 5 or > 50% browning tissue area) and had lost marketability after 2 weeks at 5℃ plus 4 days shelf (25℃); in contrast, the discoloration symptom of the fruits stored at 12.5℃ was less obvious (browning intensity index 1 or 1-2% browning tissue area) for the same storage period. The phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and peroxidase (POD) activities of 'TN 17' pineapple fruits stored at 12.5℃ or 25℃ plus 4 days at 25℃ increased with storage time; but the enzyme activities of PAL and POD of the 5℃-treated fruits were significantly lower than those of fruits stored at 12.5℃. Moreover, the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity of 12.5℃-treated fruits was significantly higher than those of 5℃-or 12.5℃-treated samples, though the enzyme activity of all the three treatments decreased with storage time. |
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