計畫名稱: 菇類品種選育及優質區域性特殊蔬菜栽品種改良與栽培技術改進 |
計畫主持人: 王三太 |
共同計畫主持人: 劉程煒;石信德;蕭巧玲;楊雯如;丁昭伶;楊素絲;戴振洋;江一蘆;朱雅玲;陳葦玲;吳岱融;陳美杏;尤進欽;呂昀陞;吳寬澤;宋妤;石正中;陳錦桐;許淼淼;劉敏莉;林慧玲;潘怡君;薛銘童;李瑋崧;張明毅;鄔家琪;鍾曉航;吳新民;林文華;顏永福;顏勝雄;劉廣泉;賴鴻裕;楊純明 |
計畫編號: 105農科-9.5.4-子-C1 |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所鳳山分所蔬菜系 |
全程計畫年: 2016 |
關鍵字: 翼豆;種苗;苗栗;雲芝;省工栽培;收穫機;大蒜;設施;果實品質;設施栽培;葉菜類蔬菜;葡萄糖;育種;菌種;韭菜;莧菜;芋;高機能性成份;升糖指數;種苗活力;青蔥;漆酶;氣變貯藏;草莓;木虌果;乾燥調理;低溫貯藏;蔗糖;葉菜類;預冷;胺基酸;原生蔬菜;黃秋葵;光環境;智慧自動補光;番椒;種苗來源;矮化劑;舞菇;量產;育種;草莓;育種;穴盤;白靈菇;香菇;甜瓜;硝酸鹽;果糖;萵苣;長豇豆;整枝;萎凋病;南瓜;嫁接;植株生育;穴盤;低溫貯藏;青蔥;有機質肥料;豌豆;番茄;育種;白粉病;落葵;蘆筍;發光二極體;winged bean;Seedling;miaoli;Trametes coricolors;labor-saving cultivation;harvester;garlic;Protected Facility;fruit quality;protected culture;leafy-vegetables;glucose;breeding;spawn;chinese leek;amaranthus;taro;high functional ingredients;Glycemic Index;se |
摘要: 國內菌種弱化或老化情形普遍存在於各種菇類,積極開發菌種檢定方法才能安定菇類的生產。本計畫預計蒐集國內現有的杏鮑菇的菌種,進行基本生物學特性測試、生理活性檢測與出菇試驗,建立菌種檢定標準模式。此外,開發新型菌種培養基質以期應用於菌種。本項為期三年之研究計畫旨在建立促進瓜類種苗健康活力生長之光照系統,以提供種苗業者設置人工補光設備參考,又開發促進健壯苗株生長之最佳光照技術,包含光波段、光照強度、光照時間、光照期程等參數,以減少化學矮化劑使用。同時將提供不同光照處理組合對種苗光能利用效率之資料庫,以利未來農企業發展植物工場或高精密溫室建置前之參考數據。此外,亦將配合如栽培介質、肥料、滴灌及根系周遭溫度控制等研究,以提供相搭配之栽培技術。青夏季常因颱風豪雨後,造成機械傷害與病害嚴重,導致產量大減,供貨量減少而造成價格飆漲,利用設施栽培為穩定生產之重要手段,因此須選育適合之耐熱品種。耐熱青蔥品系大量繁殖,在夏季於中南部產地進行區域試驗。選出適合夏季生產之四季蔥新品種。香菇為我國重要之菇種,年產量與產值皆是目前商業化栽培菇種中最高,但目前栽培模式主要以傳統菇舍平面化栽培,因此栽培量無法有效提升,因此本計畫擬利用環控庫間與水濂溫室建立香菇之立體化周年生產技術以提升香菇之栽培量。雲芝(Trametes versicolor或Coriolus versicolor)是一種著名藥用菌,含7種人體必需胺基酸,具增強免疫功能、提高抗病能力、強化抗氧化活性、清除自由基、抗癌細胞活性功效,隨著保健養生風氣盛行,雲芝應當可發展成養生食品。因此本計畫將研究提高雲芝栽培產能之技術,針對太空包型式或瓶栽型式在立體化栽培的模式作適切性研究。白菇英文名為White King oyster mushroom,學名為Pleurotus nerbrodensis, P. eryngii var.<EM> tuoliensis</EM>及<EM>P. eryngii</EM> var. <EM>ferulae</EM>,是一種非常珍貴的食用菌新種,其菇體潔白肥大,肉質細膩、口感脆滑。營養價值高過杏鮑菇,目前台灣並無此菇類栽培生產,而此菇在中國大陸被譽為“草原上的牛肝菌”,因此極具有開發成高級新興菇類潛力。台灣位處亞熱帶地區,要依天然氣候栽培,相當不易,因此,利用環控設備及技術研究開發以機械化、自動化產栽培瓶,以環控方式調控溫度、濕度、通風和光照,開發標準化生產技術,達到周年化生產目標,可以穩定生產出高產量、高品質的白靈菇。期望白靈菇在台灣以環控技術,達到經濟規模與效益,促進菇類產業蓬勃發展與競爭力。 </P> <P>豌豆用途繁多,頗富經濟價值,為臺灣重要冬季蔬菜之一,產區主要集中在臺灣中部地區。目前臺灣豌豆栽培,以白粉病(Powdery mildew)為主要病害,而現有推廣之用商業品種均不抗白粉病。本研究的目地為選育出抗白粉病豌豆新品種,藉由雜交方式導入抗白粉病,以育成具抗白粉病能力,且生育旺盛,嫩莢美觀,豐產及品質優良等特性。</P> <P> 針對轄區內主要蔬菜作物青蔥進行耐熱品種選育工作,因青蔥性喜冷涼氣候,夏季栽培不易,且近年來溫室效應日益嚴重,夏季最高溫一再攀升,再加上颱風、豪雨、乾旱等天然災害,導致青蔥價格波動不已,為保持其價格平穩,本計畫擬針對耐熱性強、豐產、品質優良等育種目標,以混合選種法選育耐熱性佳且品質優良之青蔥新品種,增加農民夏季栽培青蔥品種之選擇,推廣供農民種植,提高蔥農收益,以保持青蔥價格平穩。</P><P> </P> <P><SPAN style=""""""""""FONT-FAMILY: " ZH-TW; mso-font-kerning: mso-hansi-font-family: mso-bidi-language: mso-bidi-font-family: 14pt; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: Roman?; New ?Times mso-ascii-font-family: FONT-SIZE: 標楷體; \? AR-SA\? 1.0pt;>為改進轄區內檳榔心芋栽培技術,本計畫評估高畦栽培檳榔心芋種植密度及不同種苗來源對產量與品質的影響,建立較適合之栽培模式,以提升轄區內檳榔心芋栽培技術及增加產值。</SPAN><SPAN style=""""""""""FONT-FAMILY: " ZH-TW; mso-font-kerning: mso-hansi-font-family: mso-bidi-language: mso-bidi-font-family: 14pt; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: Roman?; New ?Times mso-ascii-font-family: FONT-SIZE: 標楷體; \? AR-SA\? 1.0pt;><SPAN style=""""""""""FONT-FAMILY: " ZH-TW; mso-font-kerning: mso-hansi-font-family: mso-bidi-language: mso-bidi-font-family: 14pt; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: Roman?; New ?Times mso-ascii-font-family: FONT-SIZE: 標楷體; \? AR-SA\? 1.0pt;>為增加轄區內耐逆境蔬菜種類,本計畫進行延長落葵產期可行性探討及栽培模式建立,篩選晚開花或耐寒地方種,並建立不同時期的生育情形及產量資料,以篩選出在不同時期適種之落葵品系。</SPAN></SPAN></P> <P>本計畫目的在進行長豇豆品種改良藉以減少長豇豆萎凋病造成之生產損失。試驗進行長豇豆種原抗病性評估,選拔出抗病種原作為抗萎凋病育種之材料。同時亦將抗病種原作為嫁接根砧,評估與現有栽培種之嫁接親和性。黃秋葵品種改良方面,持續改進現有品種不耐寒特性,育成耐寒品種,推薦予農民作為栽培參考。</P> <P><SPAN lang=EN-US style='FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman","serif"; mso-bidi-font-size: 11.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 標楷體; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA'><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 標楷體; mso-bidi-font-size: 11.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-font-family: "Times New Roman"'><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: "新細明體","serif"; mso-bidi-font-size: 11.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-bidi-font-family: "Times New Roman"'>本試驗之目的在建立設施蘆筍周年生產及提升夏秋二季產量技術,以穩定及強化設施蘆筍周年生產供應能力,避免產期集中於每年春季。試驗規劃在周年生產技術之建立,係以結合傳統春夏秋生產模式及產期調節冬春夏生產模式,並將每一生產模式其每一生產季節之前需割除母莖時間錯開,劃分為上半季及下半季二組進行處理,並調查產量與品質,以期建立最佳割除母莖間隔時間,達成不同試區之產期能無縫接續。在提升夏秋二季產量技術之建立,將導入合理化肥培管理技術,提升地下母莖養分蓄積量,以增進夏秋二季之嫩筍產量與品質。</SPAN><SPAN lang=EN-US style='FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: "新細明體","serif"; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-font-kerning: 0pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-bidi-font-family: "Times New Roman"'>2016</SPAN><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: "新細明體","serif"; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-font-kerning: 0pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-bidi-font-family: "Times New Roman"'>年目為建立周年生產及提升夏秋季產量達<SPAN lang=EN-US>10%</SPAN>以上之標準化作業程序。</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></P> <P><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: "新細明體","serif"; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: "Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-TW; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-bidi-font-size: 11.0pt; mso-ascii-font-family: Calibri; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri'>舞菇為高品質、高經濟價值之新興藥用菇類,目前國內並未有新鮮舞菇上市,少量由日本直接進口。目前試種之舞菇品系係由國外直接引種,並未予以改良,雖然菇體品質佳,但出菇慢,產量未盡理想,且菇體大小及品質控制較難,尚待積極改善。透過單孢雜交的方式,選育出菇快、口感佳且產量高之舞菇雜交品系進行量產,作為未來供農民推廣種植。</SPAN></P> <P>臺東地區具有豐富的原生蔬菜種質資源,本場投入相關種原蒐集及栽培技術研究已有多年成果。部分種類,如金針菜,已投入育種研究並育成多個優良品種。為增進轄區內原生蔬菜應用及推廣,並充分利用所蒐集之種原,本場選定金針菜(<EM>Hemerocallis</EM> spp.)、翼豆(<EM>Psophocarpus tetragonolobus</EM> (L.) DC.)、木虌果(<EM>Momordica cochinchinensis</EM> (Lour.))及加工用蘿蔔(<EM>Raphanus sativus</EM> L.)等具發展潛力之作物,進行品種選育及栽培技術研究。 </P> <P abp='\\"727\\"'>本年度目標為選育適合台灣氣候環境、早生、高單果重、大果及特大果比率高及高糖酸比之草苺新品種,推廣農民栽培,提高產量收益。開發適合盆栽草苺之介質種類及建立適宜盆栽草苺肥料施用量及施肥時期,以供農民參考。青蔥進行耐濕性強之品種選育及品系比較,解決夏季青蔥產銷失衡的困境。選育適合北部夏季設施栽培之質優、豐產、生長快速、耐陰性、耐熱性強的萵苣品種,本年度目標為萵苣雜交後裔F7培育及優良單株選拔並繁殖成系。莧菜進行新品系TYA01等7個品種(系)比較試驗,以及新品系TYA02等6個性狀調查。新品系TYA01、03、04、06、07、09及 10之比較試驗,與新品系TYA02、18、27、19、 28 及 29之園藝性狀調查在夏季於設施內進行,對照組品種為紅莧與白莧。試驗調查種子、植株、葉片、葉色、莖及抽苔性等特性。為解決夏秋季韭菜抽苔開花造成青韭菜產量減少的困境,蒐集10份種原進行評估,期選出夏秋季不抽苔開花之品種,推荐農民使用。蒐集番椒種原10份並進行北部地區栽培適應性評估,選出具有潛力品種2-4個,以便未來於都市綠化及家庭園藝應用之用。</P> <P>建立設施短期葉菜省工栽培管理模式,研發收穫機械,將以減少50%人力需求為設計目標,開發適用於設施蔬菜省工栽培模式之小白菜、青江菜及蘿蔓萵苣收穫機械,推廣運用雲端生產管理平台,提升產業競爭力。 </P> <P class=MsoNormal style='"MARGIN: ' 0pt\? 0cm><SPAN lang=EN-US><?xml:namespace prefix = "o" /><o:p><FONT face=新細明體>如附件一</FONT></o:p></SPAN></P><P class=MsoNormal style='"MARGIN: ' 0pt\? 0cm><SPAN lang=EN-US style='FONT-FAMILY: "新細明體",serif; mso-bidi-font-family: 新細明體; mso-font-kerning: 0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 新細明體; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast'><o:p> </o:p></SPAN></P><P> </P> <P>本計畫包括草莓與芋兩個部分,兩者皆是苗栗地區重要的栽培作物。草莓育苗至定植期,在近年來面臨缺苗、多次補植等困境,期藉由栽培技術的提升,減少農友辛勞,也降低產業風險。建立優質種苗種植栽培技術,對現前產業穩定與未來正向發展,將有所助益。本年度將開發生物肥料應用於草莓整合管理栽培模式。現行苗栗縣以水芋種植為主流,為目前旱澇情況逐漸嚴重,若能發展其他的栽培模式,將有助於產業多元化發展。且水芋種植初期,常面臨軟腐病而造成額外的補植作業,增加農友勞力與成本,因此歸納出旱芋栽培及連帶的雜草控制模式,將有利於農友栽培效率。計畫將對覆蓋資材對旱芋生育及雜草防治之影響進行研究。Degeneration is common in the various domestic spawn. To avoid this situation, developing spawn identify method could provide stable mushroom production. The main objectives of this research project are to (1) collect domestic king oyster mushroom for the basic biological character test, physical test and fruiting examination. (2)Set up the spawn identification Standard Operation Procedure. Besides, the modified materials may use for mushroom spawn.</P> <P>The vitality of seedlings is known to in relation to field performance of plants in their early growth. However, due to the lack of suitable lighting conditions in between seasons or in bad weather, seedlings of plant species of Cucurbits often suffer from lower lighting intensity. The objectives of this 3-year research project are therefore to set up appropriate light environment that provides proper waveband(s) with adequate light intensity, duration and timing to ensure the production of healthy, vigorous seedlings in uniformity. Artificial light sources, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and energy-saving light bulb, will be integrated to form a lighting system that lead to this application. The apparatus assembled for such purpose could be extended to the use in crop production under protected structures as well as in plant factory. Moreover, growth medium, fertilizers, water supply and root-zone temperature control will also be considered and applied as complementary practices. Finally, all developed items will be integrated as various applied modules for technology transfer to industry.</P> <OL><LI>Green onions often due to heavy rain and typhoon in summer, resulting in mechanical damage and serious disease, leading to greatly reduced yields, reduced supply caused the price to rise, the use of an important means of cultivation for the production of stable, and therefore must be suitable for the breeding of resistant varieties.</LI><LI>Green onions lines of heat tolerent have regional trial in summer as in central and southern areas. Elected for the new varieties of green onion in summer.</LI></OL> <P>Shiitake is one of most important mushrooms in Taiwan.  And the annual yield and output value of shiitake is the highest of all  mushrooms commerical cultivated.  Since of shiitake is cultivated on the ground in the tranditional mushroom room, so the cultivation ammount of shiitake can be increased.  In this study, the temperature controlling room and the wet pad cooling system will be used for development of the shelving and anniversary cultivation technique for shiitake.  This techniques will be used to increase the cultivation ammount of shiitake.  <EM> Trametes versicolor </EM>(<EM>Coriolus versicolor</EM>) is one of the famous medical mushroom and it contained 7 essential amino acids.  <EM>Trametes versicolor </EM>can be developed as functional food based on the function to improve the immunity function, resistance to disease, enhance the antioxidant enzyme, clean of the free radical and anticancer cell. In this study, the  sawdust bag and bottle shelving and anniversary cultivation techniques will be development to improved the production capacity of <EM>Trametes versicolor</EM>. White king oyster mushroom is the English name of Bailinggu, the scientific name is Pleurotus nerbrodensis, Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis or P. eryngii var. ferulae. It is one kind of rare edible macrofungi, its fruit-bodies are spotlessly white and hypertrophy, exquisite character and smooth mouthfeel. Nutritive value of Bailinggu were over the king oyster mushroom, up to now,nobody can cultivate this mushroom in Taiwan. Bailinggu was famous for “The Boletus of Steppes” in China, for these reasons it possesses potential to be the new and developing mushroom in Taiwan. Taiwan located in subtropical zone, depend on the natural climatic conditions for the cultivation of Bailinggu mushroom is difficult. For this reason, to studies the climatically controlled cultivated techniques of white king oyster mushroom will be a feasible way. To apply the climatically controlled equipment to control the temperature, humidity, ventilation and light in every growing stage of white king oyster mushroom. Developing the climatically controlled technology will be possible for the production of Bailinggu mushroom all year around. The project objectives of this project are to establish environmental control production techiques and achieve economic efficiency and promote mushrooms industrial development and competitiveness. </P> <P>Peas (<EM>Pisum sativum</EM> L.), with various usages and great economic value, is one of important winter vegetable in central Taiwan. Powdery mildew is the major disease for pea production, however, the current commercial varieties are Powdery mildew inresistant.The object of this study is to develop new pea varieties by hybridization. It respects to breed fresh pod available variety with powdery mildew resistant, vigorous growth, beautiful pod shape, high yield and quality ..etc. </P> <P><SPAN style=""""""""FONT-FAMILY: " lang=EN-US AR-SA\? 1.0pt; mso-font-kerning: New mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times Roman' \? mso-bidi-language: ZH-TW; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: 12pt; FONT-SIZE: 新細明體;> Green onion (<I style=""""""""mso-bidi-font-style: " \? normal\?>Allium fistulosum</I> L.) is the most important vegetable crops in YiLan area. Unfortunately, influence by typhoon, heavy rain and high temperature had caused green onion grew difficultly on summer season, so price of green onion was often unstable. </SPAN><SPAN style=""""""""FONT-FAMILY: " lang=EN-US AR-SA\? New mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times Roman' \? mso-bidi-language: ZH-TW; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: 12pt; FONT-SIZE: 新細明體;>In the study of heat tolerance of green onion breeding, the varieties of good quality, high yield and heat tolerance were selected from collected green onion varieties and hybrid progenies. </SPAN></P> <P>By means of comparing yields and harvested qualities of higher planting densities with conventional one and different resources of plantlets, we could evaluate and make suggestions of higher yield production ways to taro farmers in Yilan district. To increase stress-resistant vegetable species in Yilan and Hualien district, this project proposed studies to extend malabar spinach production feasibility and cultivation mode, screen for late flowering or cold resistant, and set up data of yield and growing condition in different periods. As a result, to get suitable malabar spinach new lines for different seasons. </P> <P>This project is focus on Fusarium wilt resistant screening of yard-long bean germplasms to reduce production lost caused by Fusarium oxysporum. The evaluation of resistance will be carried out and Fusarium wilt resistant plants are as the materials for the breeding program. Meanwhile, the resistant accessions are as the grafting root stock with the present commerical cultivar that grafting compatibilities are also estimated. On the okras are expected to get varieties for chillingresistant in winter.</P> <P><SPAN lang=EN-US mso-bidi-language: ZH-TW; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: New 11.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12pt; mso-fareast-font-family: AR-SA' 標楷體; Roman\?,\?serif\?; \?Times FONT-FAMILY:>The purpose of this project is to establish techniques for year-round production and increase the yield in summer as well as autumn for asparagus in greenhouses. We hope that the new techniques can stabilize and enhance the supply ability of year-round asparagus production in greenhouses. In this research, </SPAN><SPAN lang=EN-US AR-SA; mso-bidi-language: ZH-TW; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: mso-font-kerning: New 12pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 標楷體; Roman\?,\?serif\?; \?Times FONT-FAMILY: 0pt'>we will focus on combining two methods of the traditional production in spring, summer as well as autumn, and force cultural production in winter, spring and summer. In addition, the first cutting off of asparagus shoots before production each season will be staggered in two different areas in forcing cultural production. The optimal time for cutting off and staggering will be tested. This technique will allow continuous harvesting because while the crops in one area are growing, the crops in the other area can be harvested. To increase the yield and quality in summer and autumn, we will focus on increasing the nutritional accumulation of asparagus mother-stalks by using an adequate fertilization method. By the end of 2016, we expect to establish a year-round production technique and increase the yield by 10% in summer and autumn.</SPAN></P> <P><SPAN lang=EN-US><FONT face=新細明體>Maitake (Grifola frondosa) has got its popularity in the market due to its medicinal value. There were three parental strains collected from overseas and needed to be improved. The objective of this project is to improve maitake strains and its cropping manners as well. The basidiospores from parental strains will be isolated and crossing of the monosporous cultures between strains will be performed. More than 150 dikaryons will be subjected to a series of fruiting test.  The strain is selected for mass production trial. The most productive strain will be applied for patent and commercial production.</FONT><?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P>Taitung county is abundant in germplasm of indigenous vegetable. In order to develop local indigenous vegetable industry, Taitung DARES has devoted to germplasm collection and economic production method development for many years. In this project, we select 4 species, day lily (<EM>Hemerocallis </EM>spp.) , winged bean (<EM>Psophocarpus tetragonolobus</EM> (L.) DC.), gac (<EM>Momordica cochinchinensis</EM> (Lour.)) and processing radish (<EM>Raphanus sativus</EM> L.), to breed new varieties or develop economic production method.</P> <P abp="'\\"728\\"'">The purpose of this study is to improve varieties of strawberry, welsh onion, lettuce, amaranthus, Chinese leek and pepper. According to strawberry breeding program, breeding climatic conditions suitable for Taiwan, as early fruit, high fruit weight, large fruit and high percentage of large fruit and high sugar-acid ratio of the new strawberry varieties, promote farmers cultivation, to increase production revenues. And development the suitable medium types for high-rise bed culture of strawberry and establishment of a suitable fertilizer application rate and the fertilization period for high-rise bed culture of strawberry, providing farmers with information. In study of welsh onion, this research will be carried out to breed the wet tolerant variety, comparison test for new lines to solve the problem of production on summer. The purpose of this study in lettuce is to improve variety with high quality and yield, rapid growth under plastic house. Advance of F7 and selection of superior single plants will be conducted in 2016. In <EM>amaranthus spinosus</EM>, the study will be conducted to have a varieties (lines) comparison testing for the new lines TYA01, 03, 04, 06, 07, 09 and 10, two commercial cultivars as a control. And have a horticultural traits test for the new lines TYA02, 18, 27, 19, 28 and 29, testing of the traits of seeds, shoots, leaf, stem, color and flower stalk formation. For Chinese leek, the purpose of this study is to solve the problem of flowering in summer and autumn. It will be collect and evaluate for 10 germplasm. The excellent cultivars will be recommended for farmers. Finally, collect 10 germplasm for pepper and evaluated in northern Taiwan. The cultivars will be select which have potential for further use in urban and family.</P> <P>Establish labor-saving cultivation practices of short-term leafy vegetables in plastic house, and developing harvesting equipment, a design goal of 50% reduction in labor needs will be set to develop a harvester which is suitable for the labor-saving cultivation models for facility vegetables, including Chinese white cabbage, ching-chiang vegetable, and romaine lettuce.</P> Study the techniques for winter squash cultivation<BR><P>For the production of high-quality winter squashs in green house, this study will investigate the factors such us the cultivars, node of fruiting, and fertilization to improve winter squash quality and production, The high quality fruit and yield can be obtained.</P><BR>Improvement of Postharvest Technology and Storage Quality of Garlic Bulb<BR><P> </P><P><SPAN lang=EN-US>Ta-Pen-Hey” is a major garlic cultivar in Taiwan.<SPAN>  </SPAN>After harvesting, garlic is usually stored at room temperature with air circulation.<SPAN>  </SPAN>However, the storage life can only last for 6 months.<SPAN>  </SPAN>During autumn and winter, low temperature can induce  sprouting and rooting results in wrinkled and rotten cloves. The man research goal for autumn and winter storage is therefore to prevent sprouting and rooting and to lengthen the storage life till the following February and March.<SPAN>  </SPAN>Currently, garlic bulb after harvest exposed to hot air for a curing process until 20-30% of weight loss is achieved before storage.<SPAN>  </SPAN>The hot air treated cloves often show brown or yellow spot (known as ripen cloves) which may be related to temperature and the length of treatment.<SPAN>  </SPAN>Thus, the purpose of this study is to set up the curing condition using hot air treatment and sky eye control system, to coordinate with vacuum low temperature storage technique and temperature fluctuation to reduce cloves deterioration and prolong its storage life, and to achieve a year round supply of garlic cloves.<?</SPAN></P></SPAN><BR>Breeding low glycemic index melon<BR><P>The quality of melon depends on sugar content and usually have Brix 13-16 degree which is sweeter than watermelon, In general melon is not suitable food for diabetic patient who regret to enjoy the pretty taste of melon. The influences of genetic and environmental factors on consisting of sucrose, fructose, glucose will be investigated for developing low GI (glycemic index) fruit of melon which may keep sweet taste as normal melon quality, because the sweet taste of fructose is higher than sucrose and its GI is 19 much lower than sucrose, so a high fructose content cultivar and cultivation technology may produce low GI melon fruit for diabetic patient food. Based on previous report that the component of sucrose, fructose and glucose are controlled by heredity and environment factors may modify these. The research program will look the genetic of sucrose, fructose and glucose, as well as cultivation season, shading, pruning and maturity of fruit and postharvest storage influences the components of sucrose, fructose and glucose.</P><BR>Study on the Supplymental Light Technique of Tomato Production under Protected Culture(3/3)<BR><P>In the past centuries, tomato had become one of the worldwide popular fruits due to its high nutritional value, low in calories, tolerance to storage and transportation, diverse cooking methods, etc. In tomato production, high quality plants is one of the most important factors in obtaining good yields. The good yield and quality tomatoes are usually produced from greenhouse or protected culture. Light is one of the main factors limiting the yield of tomato plants grown under greenhouse. Limited amount of available natural sunlight and diminished light intensity in winter reduces the growth and yield of tomatoes in the greenhouse. Supplementation of artificial lights in greenhouse is a better approach to alleviate this drawback. The objective of this project is to evaluate the suitable light environment and culture system to product tomato and to investigate the effects of light quality, interlighting regimes to extend photoperiod and to increase light intensity on the growth and yield of greenhouse-grown tomatoes.</P><BR>Improvement of vegetables production under protected structure- Establishment of low nitrate-content cultivating techniques of vegetables(2/3)<BR><P>The nitrate content in vegetables has become a significant issue in recent years. In order to reduce not only the farming production cost, but also environmental stress, this project aims to establish appropriate fertilization strategies and storage of different light environments for vegetables by conventional farming systems or organic cultivation. Long-term dynamics investigation and analysis the nitrate contents in 1,500 vegetable samples purchased from the metropolitan areas market. It is hoped that the results of this study will promote vegetable production as well as ensure human health and safety, environmental friendliness, and sustainable operation. In this study, Pak-choi, spinach, and lettuce of the Cruciferace family were examined.</P><BR>A study on the postharvest technique of okra<BR><P class=MsoNormal 0cm 0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none\? ; TEXT-AUTOSPACE: '><SPAN lang=EN-US mso-ascii-font-family: New mso-hansi-font-family: ' minor-fareast\? Roman' 'Times mso-ascii-theme-font: mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-hansi-theme-font: mso-bidi-font-family: 新細明體;><FONT face=新細明體>This study is designed to develop an optimal postharvest technique to extend the storage limit of okra pods. By the technique developed, the storage life of okra pods during transportation, storage, sale, and processing can be improved. The long term storage technique also extends the distance of transportation which is able to provide fresh and high quality okra pods to fulfill the market requirement during non-season of foreign countries.<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" /><o:p></o:p></FONT></SPAN></P><BR>The establishment of a plug-grown production system in strawberry nursery followed the three-step propagation system.<BR><OL><LI><DIV class=WordSection1 none\? ' 18pt><SPAN lang=EN-US New 標楷體; mso-fareast-font-family: mso-hansi-font-family: LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: \?Times Roman\?,serif; 標楷體' AR-SA; mso-bidi-language: ZH-TW; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: 1.0pt; mso-font-kerning: 16pt;><P class=MsoNormal 0cm TEXT-INDENT: mso-char-indent-count: 0pt; ' 2.0\? 24pt;><SPAN lang=EN-US New \?Times Roman\?,serif; mso-font-kerning: 0pt'>Strawberry (Fragaria Xananasa Duch.) originated from North America and favors cool temperature, the fruit production of strawberry is restricted in mid-autumn to late spring in low land of Taiwan. Due to no professional nursery been established, majority of the framers propagate runner plants for their own need and as the result strawberry nursery is operated over the hot summer and often suffered from typhoon. In addition, the plant material was clonal propagated for years without renewing, growth vigor decades severely. Therefore, for solving the shortage of nursery plants. building up a production system based on the three-step propagation principles can be more important. <o:p></o:p></SPAN></P><P class=MsoNormal 0cm TEXT-INDENT: mso-char-indent-count: 0pt; ' 2.0\? 24pt;><SPAN lang=EN-US New \?Times Roman\?,serif; mso-font-kerning: 0pt'>The objective of this study is to integrate the plant factory and high-bed nursery system for strawberry runner plant production. We first renew the plant via tissue culture and propagate the first level plants in plant factory. The runner plants will be send to greenhouse high bed system for producing second levels plants before send to field high-bed system for third level production. In the previous project, we focused on the effect of cold storage of runner cuttings on nursery production. At the same time, the nursery schedule bypassed the typhoon season. The objective of this project will aim to amplify the yield potential. We will focus on the effect of container size on daughter plant quality and nursery production. The experiment will be conducted in the second and third level production. The resulted runner production and the nursery production after cold storage will be investigated. In our integrated system, we aim to stabilize the production of healthy strawberry runner plants, and the plug-grown strawberry plants will be operated 2 months before the field practice schedule. At the same time, in the purpose of avoiding detrimental environment, the farmers’ working schedule can be reorganized. <o:p></o:p></SPAN></P></SPAN></DIV></LI></OL> <P>The plan includes strawberry and taro, both of which are important cultivated crops Miaoli area. Form strawberry nursery to transplanting period, in recent years the farmers faced shortage of the plantlets, multiple re-transplanting situation. Upgrading of cultivation techniques will reduce farmer labor and reduces the industry risk. In this year we will apply the biological fertilizer in the developed strawberry integrated management to find the best cultivation model. In miaoli county taro usually cultivated in water. With the drought take place gradually, if we develop other modes of cultivation, it will contribute to the industry. Meanwhile, taro cultivated in water often faces with soft rot and that causes additional field operations, which increase farmers labor and cost. In this study we will also conduct taro cultivation in dry land with the different cover materials to figure out the best mode. |
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