摘要: 荔枝‘台農1號’為嘉義農業試驗分所選育之優良品種,本研究目的在於探討‘台農1號’和‘黑葉’荔枝果實發育之過程。由果重、縱徑與橫徑所得之生長速率顯示,‘台農1號’與‘黑葉’荔枝果實呈S型曲線。‘台農1號’品種成熟果皮顏色綠中帶微紅,平均單果重26.5±3.5g、平均種子重1.0±0.4g、平均果肉重21.1±2.9g且果肉率79.5±2.7%、可溶性固形物含量?18.9±0.5°Brix;‘黑葉’平均果肉重14.2±1.2g且果肉率70.4±3.1%、可溶性固形物含量?16.9±0.6°Brix,故‘台農1號’荔枝之品質(果肉重及可溶性固形物)優於‘黑葉’。荔枝初期之有機酸以抗壞血酸?主,直至果實成熟之有機酸以蘋果酸?主。糖類以蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖為主,‘台農1號’蔗糖濃度5.9±0.3%、果糖濃度12.1±0.3%、葡萄糖濃度14.8±0.7%。A new litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) 'Tainung No.1' was bred and released by the Chiayi Agriculture Experimental Station. This cultivar was commercially named as 'Tainung No.1'. In this report, growth and development of 'Tainung No.1' fruit were compared with 'Hak Ip'. Results indicated that fruit of both cultivars showed a similar growth pattern, a single sigmoid curve in fresh weight, length, and width, respectively. 'Tainung No.1' had an average fruit weight of 26.5±3.5 g, seed weight of 1.0±0.4 g, aril percent of 79.5±2.7% and total soluble solids of 18.9±0.5 °Brix, while 'Hak Ip' had aril percent with 70.4±3.1% and total soluble solids 16.9±0.6 °Brix. The total soluble solids of 'Tainung No.1' litchi fruit was greater than that of 'Hak Ip'. Ascorbic acid was abundant in the early stage of fruit development, while malic acid was abundant in the late stage. The major components of soluble sugars in fruit were sucrose, fructose, and glucose. The concentrations of these three sugars were 5.9±0.3%, 12.1±0.3%, and 14.8±0.7%, respectively. |