摘要: 新型農機研究與性能測定
本計畫為執行新型國產農機性能測定、研訂農機測定方法及暫行基 準與出版測定報 告以供查閱,提供農民購置新型農機之參考,進而提昇國產農機之作業性能、安全性、產品品質與競爭力,並可提供農委會在推行國產農機政策上之參考依據。進行小型省工化青蔥殺菌淨洗機之研製開發,利用單人操作及小量用水方式,應用除菌處理後之水源,進行青蔥根部之沖洗與去除包膜作業,達到快速洗淨,提高產品品質與確保食品安全,達成高效省工與節水的目標。
本計畫主要針對臺東地區特色作物番荔枝,開發適用於番荔枝栽培環境之電動履帶搬運,機械或特殊具有低重心高越野能力之電動搬運車,減少人力搬運成本及果品機械搬運損傷,並運用電動搬運車之底盤,開發具割草功能之機械。開發線上型鳳梨釋迦粉介殼蟲清除機械,以一貫化、自動化作業方式,清除果實殘留之粉介殼蟲,提高作業效率,降低人力需求,減少外銷鳳梨釋迦粉介殼蟲之檢出,提昇鳯梨釋迦品質及國際競爭力,以擴大鳳梨釋迦產業及增加收益。A Study on New Agricultural Machinery and Performance Test
The projectis to inspect and test both the local made and the imported agricultural machineries and equipments to check if they meet the national standards or other provisional standards. Loans or subsidies will be offered for the machines met the standards. This will also promote the quality and skills of the local agricultural machinery manufacturers. Research and development of a small, industrialized shallot sterilization and washing machine, using a single person operation and a small amount of water, using the water source after sterilization treatment to rinse the root of shallots to achieve rapid washing, improve product quality and ensure food Safety, achieve the goal of efficient labor saving and water saving.
Study on the Labor Saving in Applying the Elevating Platform for the Aerial Works on Plain Orchard
The goal of this project is to apply the mobile elevating platform to the aerial works on plain orchard. The labor saving and safety improvement will be studied, and the optimal operation mode on harvesting and pesticide spraying will also be searched.
Research and Development of Agricultural Labor-Saving Machines Applied in Orchards and Horticultural Products in Kaohsiung and Pingtung Area
The purpose of this research is to develop a product that meets the needs of the industry, thereby saving farmers' time and labor costs in carrying out operations, improving operating efficiency and reducing the risk of occupational injury to agricultural laborers. In addition, the current engine-powered agricultural land transport vehicle (machine) solves the problem of exhaust gas pollution. The tracked electric intelligent following farmland conveyor does not require manual operation, and is automatically followed by sensing elements. Its working principle is to use the sensing element to recognize the image of the latest operator as the following target, and use the sensing element to monitor the distance, and start and stop within the set distance range. A reflective photoelectric switch is used as an obstacle avoidance monitoring element, so that when an obstacle is encountered during driving, the reflective photoelectric switch senses an obstacle, that is, to avoid a detour or an emergency stop. An emergency power supply is installed at the foremost edge of the conveyor to avoid collision with operators and obstacles when the electrical control components fail. In addition, in order to avoid the failure of the electronic control components when the vehicle cannot be driven, the conveyor can still be controlled by manual remote control. In order to avoid the competition of sensing elements, the priority order of the sensing elements is the priority action of the obstacle avoiding elements.
The study of mealybugs clean machine for atemoya and electric transport machine for orchard
This study will improve the machine function for sugar apple in Taitung. To develop the electric fruit moving machine for sugar apple cultivation environment to reduce the transport costs and mechanical damage. And use electric vehicle chassis to develop mower. To design the line type mealybugs cleaning machine for atemoya, it will be more consistent, automated operation mode, clear the mealybugs powerfully, more efficiency but less labor. We hope it can work conveniently and solve the mealybugs quarantine issue. |