計畫名稱: 研發改良栽培與處理技術以生產優質柑橘 |
計畫主持人: 劉富文 |
共同計畫主持人: 李宏萍;王怡玎;郭純德;李堂察;初建 |
計畫編號: 99農科-4.2.2-糧-Z1(1) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 台灣大學園藝學系(所) |
全程計畫年: 2010 |
關鍵字: 柳橙;茂谷柑;椪柑;根砧;採收成熟度;果實品質;採後處理;貯藏;催色;Liucheng orange;Murcott;Ponkan mandarin;rootstock;harvest maturity;fruit quality;postharvest handling;storage;degreening |
摘要: 本研究計畫之目的在改良台灣柑桔之栽培與採後處理技術,以生產優質產品並在採後維護品質,延長供應期,增加銷量,促進台灣柑桔產業之發展。本年度有3項研究如次: 1.研發改良處理與貯藏技術。包括適宜濃度之2,4-D處理、貯後2,4-D殘留量檢測、Ethrel對椪柑之催色效果、採自樹冠內外果實之耐貯力差異及包括節能減碳概念之不同形式貯藏庫貯藏柳橙之效果比較試驗。 2.研究控梢對椪柑果實品質之改進。調查椪柑不同結果母枝葉片氮和碳水化合物含量之關係。研究調查椪柑春稍、夏稍和秋梢枝條之發育和對花芽發育、開花結果和果實品質之影響。研究枝稍生長促進劑和抑制劑以及去除秋稍對椪柑果實產量和品質之影響。 3.研究不同根砧對茂谷柑果實採收成熟度(採收時期)和採前套袋種類及時期對茂谷柑果實品質之影響。 The aim of this research project is to develop improved cultural and postharvest handling technologies for Taiwan citrus industry. The goal is to produce high quality fruit and to maintain the fruit quality for extended periods for market adjustment and expansion. There are 3 major studies scheduled for this year.1. Improvement on postharvest handling and storage methods. Beneficial and side effects and residues of 2,4-D applied to postharvest ‘Ponkan’ mandarins will be studied. Effect of Ethrel on degreening ‘Ponkan’ will be examined. Storability differences for fruits harvested from the surface and inside of tree canopies will be compared. ‘Liucheng’ orange will be stored in 3 different types of storage rooms, including low energy input types, for various duration before quality and losses evaluations. 2. Improvement of Ponkan fruit quality by shoot growth regulation. The relationship between the types of fruiting shoot and the leaf C/N ratio of ponkan will be studied. Differences among spring shoots, summer shoots and autumn shoots in their flower bud formation, fruit set and fruit quality will be monitored. Effects of promotion or inhibition of shoot growth by chemical treatments and by autumn shoots pruning on fruit quality and flower bud formation will be examined.3. Studies on the fruit quality, harvest maturity, and storability of Murcott tangor grafted on two different stocks. Optimum harvest dates of Murcott tangor grated on Sunki or on Rangpur lime rootstocks will be studied. Different bags and different bagging dates will be tried to improve the quality of Murcott tangor fruits. |
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