計畫名稱: 番石榴品質改進之研究 |
計畫主持人: 張林仁 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 97農科-4.2.2-中-D1(4) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 農委會台中區農業改良場作物改良課 |
全程計畫年: 2008 |
關鍵字: 番石榴;果實;品質;Guava; Fruit;Quality |
摘要: 中部地區番石榴栽培面積約有1,477公頃,一般果農均未塑造適當的樹型,因此樹勢不均一,以致植株生產力及果實品質不易提昇。本試驗從幼年樹塑造良好樹型以促進生產力;在成年樹利用不同修剪方法、疏果及不同肥培方式等處理,調整株高及枝幹分佈,比較不同耕作處理之產能及果實品質。預期效益為,從幼年樹養成適合樹型,以穩定生產力,並尋求適合之修剪摘心及留果方式與有機肥等耕作處理方法,尋求適當管理技術以提高番石榴之生產力及果實品質。The planted acreage of guava in Taichung district area was 1,477 ha. The farmers usually did not train a good tree shape for production, consequently the tree vigor is uneven and the productivity and the fruit quality are not easy to improve. In this study, the tree shape was established in the young trees to enhance the productivity. The combinations of different pruning, fruit-thinning and organic matters are applied to matured guava trees. The expected results of proper technique can be used to enhance the productivity and fruit quality of guava. |
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