作者: 楊紹榮(S. R. Yang);黃瑞彰(J. C. Huang) |
刊名: 臺南區農業改良場研究彙報 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2022 |
關鍵字: 生物分解塑膠袋;番石榴果實;套袋;Biodegradable protecting bags;guava fruit |
摘要: 由國外引進具氧化觸媒機能性的可分解添加劑,委託塑膠加工業產製可藉由日光、溫度及微生物等作用而自然分解的透明塑膠袋及發泡保麗龍網,於番石榴主要產地台南縣後壁鄉及高雄縣燕巢鄉進行果實套袋評估,初步結果顯示:採用可分解透明塑膠袋進行番石榴果實套袋,和傳統透明袋比較,其單果重及果實可溶性固形物,在統計上並無顯著差異,初步 評估可行。使用後的廢棄生物分解透明塑膠袋及內襯發泡保麗龍網經85天的堆肥化處理後,雖然含OCB0031及NBK310分解添加劑之生物分解塑膠袋的物性如延伸率,分別從未使用前的35.1-77.8%及261.5-365.2%降至5.4-12.8%及23-107.6%,物性有明顯降低現像,惟袋子並未腐爛分解成細小碎片或粉末,對於堆肥化並無實質效用,因此研發兼顧果實生育及堆肥化處理效果良好的生物分解新材質仍待繼續評估。Amendment of PE bags with biodegradable OCB 0031 or NBK 310 additive was evaluated its efficacy on bagged guava fruits in this study. The results showed that there were no difference in weight and total soluble solids of fruits harvested from bagging biodegradable PE bags compared to regular bags. Although, the physical properties of used biodegradable PE bags has been down to 5.4~12.8% from 35.1~77.8% in elongation for their PE amended with different concentrations of OCB 0031 masterbatches and down to 23~107.6% from 261.5~365.2% in elongation for ones incorporated with NBK 310 masterbatches, 85 days after composting, but all the tested bags did not completely decompose. According to the preliminary results, the formula of degradable PE bags for protecting guava fruits should be modified in advance study. |
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