計畫名稱: 熱帶果樹貯運與良質果品生產技術研究─開發荔枝安全保鮮技術 |
計畫主持人: 方信秀 |
共同計畫主持人: 李文豪;李文立 |
計畫編號: 102農科-9.2.2-農-C4(5) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所 |
全程計畫年: 2013 |
關鍵字: 木瓜;鳳梨釋迦;檢疫;採後處理;番荔枝;外銷;papaya;Annona atemoya;quarantine;postharvest;Annona squamosa;exporting |
摘要: 木瓜、番荔枝、鳳梨釋迦和荔枝為台灣水果中具有外銷潛力之水果;近年來,在開拓市場時,在出口值方面有呈負成長或停滯現象,其原因為到貨品質不佳,因此希望經由關鍵貯運技術的開發,提升水果到貨品質及延長櫥架壽命。而諸多問題及待開發技術中,以下列四項為首要工作: 1.減少番木瓜果腐和熱害與氣變包裝之技術。 2.番荔枝檢疫和保鮮技術。 3.研究減少鳳梨釋迦褐化與保鮮技術。 4.開發荔枝安全長期保鮮技術。 本計劃即針對上述工作進行試驗及開發。 In Taiwan fruits, papaya, sugar apple, atemoya and litchi, are becoming more important and potential items in exporting to foreign country. For some time past, the exporting value of those fruits was no growth or on the decrease because of the poor quality after transportation. In order to improve quality during transportation and increase the shelf-life inmarket, we hope to improve and use forcing culture technology and to develop the key technique of postharvest handling. After evaluating theproblem and probable technology, the following goals are very important, however:1. To develop the handling processes for reducing decay and heat injury, and modified atmosphere storage method will be evaluated. 2. To improve the technologies of quarantine and handling of sugar apple fruit .3. To reduce the browning and splitting of atemoya after storage.4. To develop the handling processes for long distance and time transportation of litchi fruit. The objectives of this study are to research and examine the problem or goals as above. |
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