摘要: 本計畫探討及改善番石榴採收處理、貯運及保鮮技術的作業流程。本年度進行番石榴採收處理、貯運及保鮮技術的作業流程調查與建立,研擬改進番石榴之栽培管理作業流程,並進行以ReTain、1-MCP、甲殼素等藥劑於採收前及採收後處理番石榴果實之保鮮技術試驗調查。建構番石榴之產品品質、最適產期、栽培管理技術、施肥合理化及貯運等項目,研提改進番石榴之栽培管理技術標準化作業流程,以建立優質安全的整合型生產體系,可提高產品競爭力,以開拓內外銷市場。procedures of the post-harvest treatment and the orchard management in guava will be proposed. And the effects of preservation treatments using Re-tain, 1-MCP and chitosan pre-harvest and post-harvest will be investigated. The fruit quality, proper production season, cultural practice, fertilization, storage and transportation of guava will be established. The establishment of an integrated high quality and safety production system in guava can enhance the competitiveness and exploit domestic/foreign markets. |