計畫名稱: 熱帶果樹研究團隊─熱帶果樹貯運與良質果品生產技術研究 |
計畫主持人: 方信秀 |
共同計畫主持人: 李文立;邱國棟 |
計畫編號: 100農科-4.2.2-農-C5(13) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 |
全程計畫年: 2011 |
關鍵字: 遮陰;品質;品種多樣化;包裝;外銷;預冷;檢疫;複合肥料;香蕉;非農藥;生物防治;乳汁圬斑;shading;quality;;caltivar diversity;packaging;exporting;precooling;quarantine;compound fertilizer;Musa;non-pesticide;biocontrol;sapburn |
摘要: 熱帶果樹在台灣為重要果樹經濟果樹,探討熱帶果樹技術研發上。為了提高外銷潛力,建立鳳梨採後優質安全貯運體系,減少果實貯運期間腐損。香蕉品種間差異及催熟加工後轉色,使品質不一之問題,故瞭解品種多樣化後,改善香蕉轉色。芒果櫥架壽命短,且乳汁在果皮上造成褐化污斑,需改善外銷作業流程及田間管理操作,提高輸日果品相。另外在番石榴上,貯運及檢疫問題降低果實品質,因此建立外銷之貯運技術,以提昇台灣熱帶水果之國際競爭力。Tropical fruit trees are important economy trees in Taiwan. In this study, we discuss two major topics- technology development and export potential of tropical fruit trees. Development of tropical tree technique are listed as follows: for pineapple, we build excellent and safety post harvest transportation system to decrease fruit rot while transporting. For banana, the differences between varieties and unsteady quality color turning incompletely after ripening are main problem in banana planted, so we should understand the differences between varieties and improve banana color turning problem. For mango, short shelf life and brown spot in fruit skin, which caused by sap are major problems, so we should improve export proceed and field management to increase fruit quality that export to Japan. For guava, storage, transportation and quarantine are major problems, so we should build suitable storage and transportation technology for export market to increase our international competitiveness of tropical fruit . |
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