摘要: 本年度研擬生產秋收番石榴之三要素適當施肥量,供產地應用。並設計不同土壤中生長的玉荷包荔枝整年度之施肥準則,接著探討施用苦土石灰及硼砂對台農17號鳳梨生長障礙之防治效果、不同品種鳳梨對鋁的抗性之研究,另外設定土壤水分張力計水分範圍對蓮霧裂果防治效應研究,以及探討鈣肥施用改善蓮霧產區土壤特性與品質提升之可行性,以促進品質。It will be established that the fertilization methods of guava and lychee. The influence of dolomite and borax on the Tainung No.17 disease pineapple will be investigated, and the resistent of aluminum of 10 variety of pineapple will be evaluated. In the cracking experiment of waxapple, the soil water content scale of tensiometer and the influence of application of calcium on soil properties and the increase of waxapple quality will be established. |