計畫名稱: 水果研究團隊---高雄區外銷果樹栽培技術改進 |
計畫主持人: 陳思如 |
共同計畫主持人: 黃明雅 |
計畫編號: 98農科-4.2.2-高-K5 |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 農委會高雄區農業改良場作物改良課 |
全程計畫年: 2009 |
關鍵字: 番石榴;修剪時期;生育日數;鳳梨;套袋;果實品質;Guava;Training Time;Growing Days;Pineapple;Bagging;Fruit Quality |
摘要: 高屏地區為台灣鳳梨、番石榴、芒果及蓮霧等外銷水果之重要產區,但為求穩定生產供應外銷,栽培技術仍有改善空間。本研究為建立番石榴產期調節修剪模式,調查不同月份修剪番石榴的修剪後抽梢、開花及結果時程及果實重量、可溶性固形物及可滴定酸含量、果肉厚度及硬度等性狀,並以data logger紀錄每日溫度,以瞭解不同季節修剪之生育狀況及果實品質,並提出可能之修剪及栽培管理模式。本研究為改善冬季或早春鳳梨品質,利用套袋改變果實微氣候條件,探討不織布套袋對鳳梨果實可溶性固形物及可滴定酸含量、果皮色澤及其他生理障礙之影響,及適用於高屏早春鳳梨之套袋規格,以改善早春鳳梨果實酸度過高的問題。In Taiwan, pineapple, guava, mango and wax-apple mainly produced in Kaohsiung district are important fruits for exportation. For stable production and constant supply for exportation, culture practices improvement is needed. In this research, shoots of guava trees were regularly cut for adjusting the production time. Shooting and flowering time and fruit setting duration of different production times are estimated, fruits characteristics of weight, titratable acid and soluble solid content, thickness and firmness of flesh are measured and daily temperature is recorded to study the growth and fruit quality that produced at different seasons. In addition, to improve the fruit quality of winter or early spring pineapple, polypropylene non-woven fabric is used as shading cloth material for early spring pineapple fruits production. Investigation of fruit titratable acid and soluble solid content, peel color and physiological disorders will be carried out to understand the effect of fabric cloth on fruit quality such as acidity etc. |
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