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計畫名稱: 果樹品種改良與栽培技術改進及採後處理應用─番石榴營養管理無籽化育種及採後保鮮處理技術改進
計畫主持人: 林慧玲
共同計畫主持人: 陳幼光;吳俊達
計畫編號: 97農科-4.2.2-糧-Z1(8)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 中興大學園藝學系(所)
全程計畫年: 2008
關鍵字: Guava;Mineral Nutrients;Fruits Quality;Postharvest Handling;Breeding;Molecular Markers;Chilling Injury;Methyl Jasmonate;Heat Treatment;Seedlessness;Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR)
摘要: 本試驗擬從營養管理著手及採後貯運保鮮手段,以提升及穩定番石榴品質為目標。擬探討: 1. (1) 葉片無機營養狀態和果實品質之關係。 (2) 提升夏果品質之方法建立。 (3) 合理肥培管理。 (4) 更年性及非更年性果實生理指標之篩選,以供育種及栽培之參考,並建立高品質之生產模式。 (5) 建立果實內外銷貯運保鮮流程及檢疫方法。 2. 番石榴屬於寒害敏感型產品無法利用低溫進行長期儲運或低溫殺蟲檢疫處理。本試驗今年度之研究目的在比較不同熱水處理條件對降低番石榴果實寒害發生之效果,並與茉莉酸甲酯處理效果進行比較,以利番石榴外銷出口採後處理技術之研發。 3. 本計畫的目標包括四倍體的誘導及從有籽及無籽親本雜交所得F2族群的建立。基於三倍體無籽化育種的需求,且四倍體因多倍體化所得的性狀本身即有可能經選拔成為商業品種,故四倍體番石榴的產生極為有用。為了得到較大可供選種用的族群,本計畫將利用秋水仙素處理人為將染色體加倍以誘導四倍體。先分析似四倍體植株的倍體數,然後檢驗其稔性及果實特性。另F2族群藉由遺傳分離及重組對結合無籽特性和其他商業上有興趣的性狀相當有價值。本計畫將培育由不同F2族群而來的分離植株,並將之種於田間以利性狀評估。此外,從去年的試驗中發現在開花時噴施GA3可有效促進供試無籽品系的著果,本年度將對GA3處理增進無籽番石榴著果的有效性進行更廣泛的調查。有鑑於RAPD分析應用在基因型鑑定上常見的低再現性問題,本計畫也將探討將具多型性RAPD標記轉變成更可靠的擴增區域定序序列(SCAR)標記的可能性。This study investigated to establish the cultivation and management mode for guava. The first is the relationship between quality and leaf nutrient. The second is the improvement of fruit quality in summer. The third is the kinds of fertilizers for guava tree, the fourth is establich the screen marker in climacteric and non-climacteric fruit and fifth improvememnt of postharvest technology.However, guava belongs to chilling-sensitive group of horticultural products and, therefore, is intolerance to long-term transportation or quarantine treatment under a 0 to 5 ℃ temperature condition. The purpose of this studyfor this year is to investigate the effects of different heat treatment conditions on the reducing chilling injury of guava fruits, and will be compared with those fumigated with methyl jasmonate. The results will benefit exportation postharvest technology of guava fruit from Taiwan.In addtion,the objectives of the current project include tetraploid induction and establishment of F2 populations derived from crosses between seeded and seedless parents. Tetraploid guavas are useful in terms of triploid breeding for seedlessness and have the potential to be selected as commercial cultivars because of the characteristics from polyploidization.In order to achieve a larger selection population, artificial chromosome doubling is employed to induce tetraploidy through colchicine treatments. The ploidy level of the tetraploid-like plants will be analyzed and their fertility and fruit traits will be examined. F2 populations are valuable for combining seedlessness and other traits with commercial interest through genetic segregation and recombination. The segregants in different F2.populations will be produced and grown in the field for trait evaluation. In addition, GA3 treatment to enhance fruit set in seedless genotypes will be investigated more extensively this year. It was found that GA3 sprayed at flowering effectively increased fruit set in many seedless lines tested in the past year. In view of the common problem of low reproducibility in RAPD analysis for use in genotype identification, the possibility to convert polymorphic RAPD markers into more reliable sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers will also be explored in this project.
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