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作者: 吳喜正(His-Cheng Wu);柯立祥(Lih-Shang Ke)
刊名: 台灣農學會報
出版年: 2008
關鍵字: 成熟度;抗氧化能力;熱帶水果;Maturity;Antioxidant Capacity;tropical fruits
摘要: 本研究係針對數種熱帶水果,包括‘珍珠拔’番石榴、‘台農二號’番木瓜、‘台農17號(金鑽)’鳳梨、‘愛文’芒果之不同採收成熟度之果實以及經人工催熟後不同轉色程度之‘寶島蕉’香蕉,測定果實之抗氧化能力(TEAC, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity; DPPH, α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl)及抗氧化成分含量(Ascorbic acid及Total phenolics)。結果顯示,番石榴、番木瓜、鳳梨及芒果之總抗氧化力(TEAC值)均隨著成熟度之提高而增加,而不同轉色程度之香蕉間,則無顯著差異。在抗氧化成分中,番石榴、番木瓜及芒果之維生素C含量均隨著果實成熟度之提高而增加,鳳梨則無顯著差異;總酚含量,在番石榴及鳳梨則隨著成熟度之提高而增加,番木瓜及芒果則呈相反趨勢,不同轉色程度之香蕉,則無明顯差異。在供試之五種水果中,若以平均DPPH清除能力觀之,則以番石榴之清除能力最強(94.8%),其次為番木瓜(68.1%),再其次為香蕉(39.1%)及芒果(37.9%),而以鳳梨之清除能力最低(28.5%);若以總抗氧化力觀之,則以番石榴之TEAC值(μmole Trolox/g)最高(10.07),抗氧化力最強,其次為香蕉(4.57)、番木瓜(4.34)及芒果(4.30),仍以鳳梨之總抗氧化力最低(2.67)。抗氧化成分中,維生素C含量(mg/100g)仍以番石榴最高(99.72),其次為番木瓜(74.15),而以芒果(39.84)、香蕉(28.57)及鳳梨(20.66)較低;總酚含量(mg/100g),則以番石榴(121.85)最高,其次為鳳梨(73.04),而以香蕉(58.39)、番木瓜(40.73)及芒果(37.14)較低。文中並針對抗氧化成份與抗氧化能力之關係,加以討論。This research was to elucidate the effect of maturity on antioxidant capacity in guava (cv. 'Jen-Ju Bar'), papaya (cv. 'TN 2'), pineapple (cv. 'TN 17'), and mango (cv. 'Irwin'), and a different color index of banana (cv. 'Formosana') after artificial ripening. Antioxidant capacity was measured in two aspects: the concentration of known antioxidants (vitamin C and phenolics), and the ability to scavenge free radicals (ABTS; 2,2-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid, and DPPH; 1,1-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl). Results showed that the total antioxidant capacity increased with the increment of maturity in guava, papaya, pineapple and mango. On the other hand, the total antioxidant capacity in the different ripening color index of banana showed no significant difference. The antioxidant component of vitamin C content in guava, papaya and mango increased with the increment of maturity, but there was no significant difference between the different maturities of pineapple. The total phenolics content in guava and pineapple increased with the maturity, whereas papaya and mango decreased within increased maturity. The total phenolics content had no significant difference in the different ripening color index of banana. In these five tropical fruits, the mean DPPH radical scavenging ability was highest in guava (94.8%), followed by papaya (68.1%), banana (39.1%), mango (37.9%), and lowest in pineapple (28.5%). As for mean ABTS radical scavenging ability (TEAC, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity), guava showed the highest TEAC value (μmole Trolox/g) of 10.07, followed by banana (4.57), papaya (4.34), mango (4.30) and pineapple (2.67). In antioxidant components, guava contained the highest vitamin C content (mg/100g) of 99.72, followed by papaya (74.15), mango (39.84), banana (28.57) and pineapple (20.66). The total phenolics content (mg/100g) was also highest in guava, followed by pineapple (73.04), banana (58.39), papaya (40.73) and mango (37.14). The relationship between antioxidant components and antioxidant activity are also discussed.
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