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計畫名稱: 東方果實蠅密度與為害關係及建置植物疫情流行模式
計畫主持人: 陳文華
共同計畫主持人: 張萃媖;黃莉欣
計畫編號: 99農科-9.1.2-檢-B1(4)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 屏東科技大學植物醫學系
全程計畫年: 2010
關鍵字: 為害;疫情系統;東方果實蠅;damage;information system;oriental fruit fly
摘要: 果實受害率與誘捕蟲間的關係:果園內設置甲基丁香油及蛋白質水解物二種誘殺器。每週定期至番石榴園調查及蒐集誘捕蟲數,並逢機選擇10株番石榴逢機採果10%,計數其產卵孔數,估計每週的受害果率。分析果實受害率與誘捕蟲數間的相關性。針對水稻稻熱病、白葉枯病、二化螟、褐飛蝨、瘤野螟等植物有害生物進行監測調查,協助果實蠅、瓜實蠅、斜紋夜蛾之監測,有效掌握國內重大植物有害生物疫情,進一步掌握地方農作物病蟲害的發生動態及為害情形。The fruit between suffers injury the relations rate and entraps the orintal fruit fly. In the grava orchard establishes the methyl eugenol and the protein hydrolysate two kinds lures traps. Each week regularly and collection traps the orintal fruit fly number to the guayava garden investigation, estimated that each week suffers injury the fruit rate. The analysis fruit suffers injury rate and entraps the orintal fruit fly several relevances. In view of the orintal fruit fly, the melon fly, the rice blast, bacteria leaf blight, the Chilo suppressalis, brown plant hopper, green rice leafhoppers, rice leaf roller and muskmelon virus carry on the monitor investigation, grasps the domestic significant plant harmful biology epidemic situation effectively, further grasps the place crops plant disease's occurrence dynamic and damages the situation.
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