計畫名稱: 木瓜及芒果外銷貯運技術商業應用可行性評估 |
計畫主持人: 謝慶昌 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 92農科-1.1.2-糧-Z5(7) |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 國立中興大學 |
全程計畫年: 2003 |
關鍵字: 芒果;木瓜;外銷 ;Mango;Papaya;Exporting |
摘要: 國產熱帶水果產業由於氣侯、品種及栽培技術之優勢,許多產品具有國際競爭力,如芒果、番石榴、木瓜、蓮霧等,以往即陸續有在外銷.國內的水果產業常常因產銷失調,造成即使豐收年農民亦無法穫利的情況.另外,近年來進口水果的充斥,使得國內果樹產業發展更加困難.因此,國產水果應設法擴展外銷才可避免產銷失衡情形不斷發生.也因此外銷貯運技術應進一步提升.本研究目的在建立木瓜及芒果水果外銷處理流程,如採收、清洗、抑菌處理、預冷、包裝及貯運條件等,並進行實際海運外銷操作處理,之後評估其實際應用之可行性及經濟效益,以為行銷商拓展國產水果的外銷市場之參考。The fresh tropical fruits most commonly found in the temperate zone markets-mango, guava, papaya, and wax-apple are more recent arrivals. These fruits cultivated in Taiwan promise a high potential to export because of optimum climate, good variety, and cultivation technology. But these fruits are perishable and losses in quality and quantity occur between harvest and consumption during exporting. It is necessary to improve the postharvest handling technology for exporting. The objective of this study is toevaluted the applicable technology for exporting papaya and mango fruit to the temperate zone markets through postharvest operations in sea transportation. |
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