作者: 蔡惠文;唐佳惠;官青杉;林芳存;李堂察;Tsai, Hui-wen;Tang, Chia-hui;Kuan, Ching-san;Lin, Fan-tswen;Lee, Tan-cha |
刊名: 臺灣園藝 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2006 |
關鍵字: 鳳梨;日照量;可滴定酸;有機酸;可溶性固形物;Pineapple;Solar radiation;Titratable acidity;Organic acid;Total soluble solid |
摘要: 本研究探討果實採收前 3 天之累計日照量,對‘台農 13 號’及‘台農 17 號’鳳梨果實品質之影響;另根據氣象資料搜集記錄器所得之數據,於不同日照量之環境下,採取 10 個鳳梨品種植株之完全展開葉中段,測其可滴定酸和有機酸含量,並進行相關性分析及利用葉片速測法推測果實酸度之可行性評估。結果顯示,採前 3 天日照量越高,則鳳梨果實中的可滴定酸較低,但對可溶性固形物含量相關不顯著。鳳梨葉片的可滴定酸及有機酸含量,隨品種及日照量的不同而有差異,日照量在 5.0 Kw/㎡ 時,葉片酸含量較日照量為 1.3 Kw/㎡ 的葉片酸含量低。當可滴定酸增加時,蘋果酸及檸檬酸的含量隨之增加。‘台農 17 號’葉片的檸檬酸含量,似乎較不受日照量之影響。In this study we recorded the cumulative solar radiation amount received by the plants during the three-day period immediately prior to the harvest to find out the influence, if any, of such amount on the fruit quality of ‘TN13’and ‘TN17’pineapple varieties. Besides, according to the data shown by a meteorology information collection recorder, at various environment circumstances with different solar radiation levels, we took the meddle section of completely expanded leaves often cultivars pineapple strains to measure their contents of titratable acids and organic acids. Our objective was to carry out relevant analyses and hopefully to obtain some practical and usable cultivating suggestions for better fruit quality, and to evaluate the feasibility of using a leaf blade quick indirect assay for implicating acidity of the fruit. Our result revealed that the higher the total solar radiation received during the three-day period before the harvest, the lower the titratable acidity would be in the fruit, but the radiation seemed to have little effect on the content of their total soluble solids. As to the influences of solar radiation on the titratable acidity and the content of organic acids, they were quite different in the case of different pineapple strains as well as different solar radiation. For instance, under a solar radiation of 5.0 Kw/㎡, the acid content in the leaf blades turned out to be somewhat lower than such content under another of 1.3 Kw/㎡. Whenever titratable acidity increased, both contents of malic acid and citric acid would normally increase too. However, the citric acid content in ‘TN17’ leaf blades was not affected by the solar radiation. |
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