摘要: 本計畫進行冬季國產冷凍青花菜、不同地區進口冷凍青花菜與夏季進口新鮮青花菜營養成分及抗氧化能力之分析並比較其差異性,另外比較分析不同成熟度採收之青花菜花球之貯藏期及冷凍後營養成分及抗氧化能力之差異,及烹調方式之適口性,以舒緩冬季青花菜產季過於集中,及冷凍加工廠排程之壓力,並透過製作推廣宣傳品,提供消費者正確資訊,以利凸顯冷凍青花菜之營養價值,進一步促銷國產冷凍青花菜並提高消費量,補足國產夏季新鮮青花菜供應量之缺口。The project is to analyze and compare the nutritional content and antioxidant capacity in local frozen winter broccoli, imported frozen broccoli from different areas and fresh broccoli imported in summer, to analyze and compare the nutritional content, antioxidant capacity, and storage life of broccoli at different maturity stages, and to compare the eating quality of above-mentioned broccoli with different cooking methods. These reusults may help to relief overproduction of winter broccoli in Taiwan and to reduce the processing time pressure of processing factories. Furthermore, an extension flyer will be make to offer accurate information for consumers, to highlight the nutritional value of frozen broccoli, to promote and increase the domestic consumption of local frozen broccoli, and to compensate the shortage of local fresh broccoli in summer. |