作者: 李祉修;李允中;Chih-Hsiu Lee;Yun-Chung Lee |
刊名: 園產品採後處理與運銷技術研討會專刊 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 1997 |
關鍵字: 冷藏庫;相對濕度;儲冰;cold storage;relative humidity;ice-storage |
摘要: 本研究利用非傳統的冷卻方式以取代蒸發器冷卻的效果。設計此一機構必須準備儲冰式冰水機與冰水冷風機,並利用泵浦將冰水送入位於冷藏庫內的冰水冷風機經熱交換而送出低溫高濕的空氣。經40分鐘運作後冷藏庫內平均溫度為6℃,出風溫度為5℃,相對濕度自60%起最終維持在85%。200分鐘運作後蔬菜品溫由25℃降到5℃,失重3.1%。電力使用平均為一冷凍噸之傳統冷藏庫每小時使用0.64度(KWh),三冷凍噸之儲冰式冰水機儲冰時每小時使用1.64度,冰水冷風機(l.375 HP)每小時使用0.9度。 傳統冷藏庫初期降溫時皆呈現很大的溫度升降變化。此一現象直到庫內溫度分佈平衡後才穩定。因此在蔬菜冷卻階段冷凍機啟動與停機時產生相對濕度的巨大變動。冰水冷風機獨自運作時,庫內降溫很穩定地達到平衡狀況,同時可以繼續保持穩定的溫度狀況。相對濕度自啟動後便維持在85%以上,整個階段都沒有太大的變化。 Vegetables are often stored in cold storage to keep quality. When vegetables are cooled by cold air in a conventional cold storage, they suffer from heavy water loss. A modified cooling system, in which low temperature, high relative humidity and high velocity air stream was generated by blowing air through ice-water mist, was developed in order to improve the vegetable quality. In this system, ice-storage type water chiller and cold wet-air blower were used in a cold storage room. Vegetables could be kept at 6℃ and 85% relative humidity which only caused 3% of weight loss of the vegetables. The energy consumption of cold wet-air blower system was slightly higher than that of conventional cold storage. However, the cost could be balanced by using off-peak electric power to chill the water in the former system. |
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