作者: 薛百祺;唐佳惠;李堂察;Syue, Pai-chi;Tang, Chia-hui;Lee, Tan-cha |
刊名: 臺灣農業研究 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2008 |
關鍵字: 徒手摘取 ; 鐮刀割取 ; 苯丙氨酸解氨酶 ; 多酚氧化酶 ; 過氧化酶 ; Hand-harvesting ; Sickle-harvesting ; Phenylalanine ammonia lyase ; Polyphenol oxidase ; Peroxidase ; Internal browning |
摘要: 台灣鳳梨以徒手摘取及鐮刀割取等方式採收,但以徒手摘取爲主,因果梗部傷口大且不平整,可能影響貯運壽命。徒手摘取之果實經12.5℃貯藏2週再經25℃櫥架4天,所有徒手摘取果實之內部褐化症狀皆已達5.8級,故評定爲喪失櫥架壽命;而鐮刀割取之果實冷藏2週再經4天櫥架後,果實內部褐化程度才達第2級。果實採收後苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia lyase; PAL)活性隨冷藏時間之延長而增加,且徒手摘取之果實PAL活性顯著高於鐮刀割取之果實。多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase; PPO)及過氧化酶(peroxidase; POD)活性隨冷藏時間之延長而降低,但徒手摘取或鐮刀割取間無明顯差異。Although both hand-harvest and sickle-harvest methods are used for harvesting pineapple fruits in Taiwan, the hand-harvest method is more popular than the sickle-harvest method. However, unlike the smooth cutting surface of the fruit stem by sickle-harvesting, pineapple fruits harvested by hands often resulted in uneven breaks of the stem, creating large wounds with rough surface and, thereby, reduced storage or shelf-life of the harvested produce. Results of this study showed that all the hand-harvested pineapple fruits stored at cold room (12.5℃) for 2 weeks and then moved them onto shelf (25℃) for 4 days, developed severe internal browning of fruit tissues (browning intensity index of 5.8or>51% of browning tissues) and of no market values; whereas the internal browning of the sickle-harvested fruits was mild (browning intensity index of 2.0 or 3-5% of browning tissues) for the same storage period and conditions. The phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) in harvested pineapple fruits increased with time of storage but the level of PAL in hand-harvested fruits was significantly higher than sickle-harvested ones. The polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) in pineapple fruits decreased with time of storage but there was no significant difference between hand-harvest and sickle-harvest treatments. |
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