作者: 蔡智賢;蔡榮哲;李堂察;Tsay, Jyh-shyan;Tsai, Ruang-jer;Lee, Tan-cha |
刊名: 嘉義大學學報 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2000 |
關鍵字: 洋桔梗;採收成熟度;呼吸率;乙烯;瓶插壽命;Eustoma russellianum;Harvest maturity;Rate of respiration;Rate of ethylene production;Vase life |
摘要: 本研究之目的在於探討不同採收成熟度之洋桔梗切花,對瓶插壽命及品質之影響。洋桔梗之切花依其採收時之小花開放數,分為5朵小花開放、3朵小花開放、1朵小花開放及小花緊蕾等四種不同成熟度。不同採收成熟度之切花,經5℃貯藏7日以模擬外銷貯運過程,或不經貯藏以模擬內銷。然後觀察其瓶插壽命及品,無論是否經貯藏,採收時5朵小花開放之切花其呼吸率和乙烯釋放量皆較採收時小花緊蕾者為高;每枝切花開花數以5朵小花開放之切花顯著高於小花緊蕾之切花;小花之平均瓶插壽命則以5朵小花開放之切花顯著低於小花緊蕾之切花,但對整枝切花之瓶插壽命而言,不同採收成熟度之差異不顯著。由以上結果,建議洋桔梗切花內銷者宜於成熟度高時採收,若欲長期貯運則宜於緊雷期採收,但後者需配合其他預措液之處理。The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of harvest maturity on the vase life and quality of Eustoma cut flowers. Harvest maturity was classified according to number of open florets per spike: 5 open-floret, 3 open-floret, 1 open-floret and tight bud. The more open florets, the higher harvest maturity. Cut flowers were either stored at 5°C for 7 days to simulate export transportation or not stored to simulate domestic market. Cut flowers harvested at 5 open-floret stage had higher respiration rate, higher ethylene production rate, and more opened florets per spike than those harvested at tight bud stage. The mean vase life of florets high maturity spikes was significantly lower than low maturity spikes. However, no significant difference in the vase life of whole spikes was found among four harvest maturity stages. The data suggested than harvesting at high maturity is preferred for Eustoma cut flowers for domestic marked, but harvesting at tight bud stage might be desirable for export. |
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