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計畫名稱: 建置台灣原生百合屬植物種原庫及分享平台(三)
計畫主持人: 張正
共同計畫主持人: 林慧玲
計畫編號: MOST103-2321-B005-017
計畫主管機構: 科技部
計畫執行機構: 國立中興大學園藝學系(所)
全程計畫年: 2014
關鍵字: 臺灣原生百合;種原中心;分享平台;Taiwan native lily; resource center; share platform
摘要: 臺灣原生百合的種原豐富、但多分佈在險峻難到之處,如東部與北部 海濱、中央山脈等高山、北部懸崖與蘭嶼、綠島、基隆嶼、彭佳嶼、金門 與馬祖等離島,即使如此,種原流失很快,有待有系統的保存。臺灣原生 百合的種原為花卉、藥用及食用百合的重要種原,但臺灣的花卉及食藥用 百合都從外地進口,顯然未經有系統的研究與開發。 臺灣學界對百合的研究活絡且遍佈全島,但對原生百合種原取得及種 球品質要求有困難度,原因如下:稀有難以找到、無繁殖栽培百合的能力、 數量不足、植物材料均一度不足、没有時間自行培養植物材料等等。因而 多使用國外進口的百合種原進行試驗研究,長期種原受制國外,難以累積 研究能量。 要建立具臺灣特色、能自給自足,甚至外銷國外的百合產業,應從重 視、整理、保存並使用自身已存在的種原做起。本計畫將於本年度中進行 以下工作項目:一、蒐集保存一百號臺灣原生百合種原。二、登錄、保存 與繁殖採集種原。三、建立臺灣原生百合種子育苗法並大量繁殖種子苗。 四、繁殖及鑑別消逝百年再發現的細葉卷丹。五、運作諮議委員會及網頁 推廣原生百合。六、篩選具食用藥用成份及篩選可利用之百合單株。 The genetic resource of Taiwan native lilies is rich and important, but the lily habitats always distributes in the area difficult to arrive, ex. the northern and eastern seashore, the central high mountain, cliff, the Lyu Islands ,Orchid Island, Kinmen Islands and Matsu Islands. Even so, the resource of lily is outflow very quick in the wild, and needs for preservation step by step. In Taiwan, the commercial lily bulbs mostly imported overseas for cut flower cultivation, the fresh scale for edible and dry scale for medicinal uses. However, Taiwan native lilies also have these ornamental, medicinal and edible effects but these important genetic resources were ignored for a long time. Obviously, the Taiwan native lily has not been systematized research. The academic researches of lilies in Taiwan are popular around the island, but the native lilies collected from wild area were hard to use for experimental materials. There are several reasons, including insufficient quantity of endangered species, irregular bulb homogeneous, no time or facility to raise plant materials. That’s why we need to import bulbs overseas and can’t accumulate research data of original, native Taiwan lilies. In order to establish the lily industry in Taiwan, we must respect, collect and preserve native genetic resources in the first place. The second step is to study and use these materials properly. The final goal is to establish Taiwan lily industry to support requirements for cut flower, vegetable and medicinal uses in local markets, even for export abroad overseas. Hence, this project will carry on the following work in this year: 1.collection 100 Taiwan native lily from the wild land. 2, record, preservation and reproduction of collecting germplasm. 3, the establishment of the Taiwan native lily seedling cultivation method. 4, reproduction and identification the rediscovery Lilium callosum Siebold & Zucc. 5, operational advisory boards and web promotion native lilies. 6, screening and selection with edible or medicinal ingredients available in the lily plant.
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