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計畫名稱: 建構與運用產銷資訊平台
計畫主持人: 詹維德
共同計畫主持人: 陳明芬;陳時欣;楊上禾;林慧玲;黃三光;洪郁清;謝慶昌;保愛貞
計畫編號: 106農科-8.1.1-子-Z1
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會農糧署
全程計畫年: 2017
關鍵字: 天然災害救助;越南;無麩質;泰國;新南向政策;東南亞國家;生產雲關聯性資料勾稽檢核;抗解澱粉;米穀粉;市場研究;米;義大利麵;災害救助系統;熱帶水果;蒸穀米;農產業天然災害救助系統;農業生產雲關聯性資料勾稽檢核模組;米糠;酵素;農產業天然災害救助;Relief of Natural Disaster;Vietnam;gluten free;Thailand;The New Southbound Policy;Southeast Asian Countries;cloud inspection function;resistant starch;rice flour;Market Research;rice;pasta;Disaster Relief;Tropical Fruit;parboiled rice;Agriculture Disaster
摘要: 提升國產水稻品質暨國際市場競爭力之研究1.以蒸穀米穀粉暨酵素去支米穀粉製備低GI全米蛋糕之評估以蒸穀米或碎米製備成米穀粉後,探討其應用性。蒸穀是一種水熱處理的步驟,其主要的操作步驟包含浸泡、蒸煮、乾燥,因此,蒸穀米富含回凝澱粉,具有酵素抗解性。碎米是一般碾米過程中會產生的副產物,其價格低廉,一般多作為飼料使用。碎米經高溫、高壓糊化後,以魯魯蘭酶進行去支鏈處理,再加以乾燥磨粉,此具高直鏈澱粉的產品也具有相當的酵素抗性。以上兩種米穀粉,都屬於預糊化的熟粉,其抗性澱粉具有較高的熱耐受性。本計畫擬以上述兩種米穀粉為基材,探討其應用性。米穀粉因不具有麩質,所以可以做為低筋麵粉製品的全取代產品,或是高筋麵粉的部分取代產品。我們將做成蛋糕、餅乾等全取代產品,及麵包等部分取代產品,探討其物化性質及進行消費性品評,以提高國產稻米的應用性。2.高纖即食含米冬粉絲量產製程開發以國內碾米廠所生產的米糠進行處理,透過酵素處理使米糠的粒徑及特性進行改質,再以不同的添加比例製作米麵製品,製品分成義大利麵條及米粉絲產品兩類,期能開發出較高膳食纖維的米麵製品。Rice pasta是近幾年國內較為風行的新型米製產品,本次計畫擬將以無麩質產品的品項來做為本次產品應用。期以透過本計畫可增加國內米糠應用,降低米糠的浪費,減少作為廢棄物處理的費用,多元化米糠應用的多元化開發,富化米糠的附加價值,加值產業應用於稻米加工的研發與開發能量,期能於未來利用本技術協助業者開發新產品。Research on establishment of quality inspection technology for domestic rice and enhancement its market competltlveness1.Evaluation of the preparation of low GI whole rice cakes by parboiled rice flour and/or enzymatically debranched rice flourIn the present study we are going to investigate the applications of rice flours prepared by parboiled rice or broken rice. Parboiling was a kind of hydrothermal treatment containing the processes of soaking, steaming and drying. Parboiled rice got high content of retrograded starch, and then resisted to starch enzymes. Broken rice was the by-product at rice milling, which was cheap and generally used as feeds. Broken rice could be applied to prepare resistant starch as it was gelatinized at high temperature and high pressure followed by pullulanaze debranching and drying. These two kinds of rice flours were thermal stable due to they were pre-gelatinized starch. Since rice flour was gluten free, it could be totally substituted for the products made of low-gluten flour (such as cake, cookie), and/or partially substituted for the products made of high-gluten flour (such as bread). In this study the physicochemical properties and functional evaluations of these products were investigated.2.Enhancement quality of rice pasta using rice bran and brown riceThe plan is going to use rice bran with enzyme treatment to reduce particle size and characteristics of the raw material, and then added to make rice noodle products, products include the pasta and rice vermicelli to develop a higher dietary fiber rice products.  In recent years, rice pasta is the more popular rice products, this  plan is to development  a gluten-free products to increase rice barn applications. By assessing this project could reduce the waste of rice bran, reduce the cost of waste disposal, diversify the application of rice bran, add value of enriched rice bran, value-added industry for R &D of rice processing ,In the future,it could assist the industry to develop new products.
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