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論文名稱: 套袋處理對''水晶''番石榴果實生育及品質之影響
研究生姓名: 楊建榮
指導教授姓名: 謝慶昌
出版年: 2004
學校名稱: 國立中興大學
系所名稱: 園藝學系
關鍵字: 不同材質;遮光;相對濕度;二氧化碳;乙烯;舒果套;聚乙烯塑膠袋;水晶拔;mineral nutrition;shade;relative humidity;carbon dioxide;ethylene;expanded polystyrene net sleeve;polyethylene bag;Shui-Jing Bar
摘要: 本試驗目的在探討''水晶''番石榴套袋後促進果實生長發育的因子。''水晶''番石榴以白色舒果套加聚乙烯塑膠袋進行套袋時,袋內氧氣濃度會下降,二氧化碳及乙烯濃度上升,相對濕度提高,待果實成熟採收時,果實大小、鮮重、及品質明顯比以網袋套袋的對照組大及佳,顯示,套聚乙烯袋及舒果套有促進果實生長的效果。在套袋期間增加果實周圍二氧化碳濃度至0.1%及0.7%,或置放二氧化碳吸收劑於袋內以降低二氧化碳濃度;或以通氣方式使袋內氧氣上升至和空氣一樣;或於袋內置放乙烯吸收劑或處理乙烯作用抑制劑(1-甲基環丙烯);或增減袋內相對濕度;或以遮陰方式降低袋內光線入射量等方式進行處理,至果實成熟期,皆無明顯影響果實生長的效果。所以套袋所引起的微氣候及環境改變,可能不是促進果實生長的主要因子。若只用聚乙烯塑膠袋套袋處理,而不用舒果套,則果實大小、鮮重及品質即下降,此期間,聚乙烯塑膠袋內有無舒果套的微環境並無顯著不同,因此影響果實生長的因子,可能和舒果套的存在有關,舒果套經陽光照射後會釋出數種有機氣體,是否是這些機氣體影響果實生長,仍待研究。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of bagging on promoting fruit growth and development of guava “Shui-Jing”. By using expanded polystyrene net sleeve (EPNS) together with polyethylene (PE) bagging, oxygen concentration was found to decrease while the relative humidity, CO2 as well as ethylene concentration increased inside the bag. Fruit size, fresh weight, and qualities of the fruit were significantly increased as compared with those of the control at harvest. This showed that PE with EPNS bagging could promote the growth of guava fruit and its development. However, controlling microenvironment inside the bag during the bagging period by: 1. Increasing CO2 concentration to 0.1% - 0.7%, or lower CO2 concentration by placing CO2 absorbent inside the bag, 2. Increasing O2 to the similar concentration as the ambient atmosphere by using a straw, 3. Decreasing ethylene concentration by placing ethylene absorbent namely ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP, 4. Changing RH in the bag, 5. Cutting the amount of light by shading, all these approaches had no significant effects on fruit qualities at the time of harvest. Therefore, changing in microenvironment during bagging was not the main factor affecting guava fruit growth. PE bagging without EPNS could decrease fruit size, fruit weight, and its qualities. In fact, the microenvironment inside the bag did not change whether with or without the use of EPNS. This indicates that the growth and development of guava are related to EPNS in some subtle way. One possibility is that EPNS reacts with sunlight to produce some yet to be identified organic gases. This aspect of experiment merits further investigations.
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