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計畫名稱: 外銷鳳梨釋迦生產及運銷模式之建立
計畫主持人: 楊正山
計畫編號: 94農科-1.3.2-東-E4
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 行政院農業委員會台東區農業改良場
全程計畫年: 2005
關鍵字: 鳳梨釋迦;品種選育;肥培管理;果園管理;設施栽培;採後處理;外銷;Atemoya;Variety Selection;Fertilization Management;Orchard Management;Protective Cultivation;Postharvest Handling;Exportation
摘要: 鳳梨釋迦為舒解國內市場壓力,避免影響農民收,且配合政府加強農產品之國際行銷政策,應積極拓展海外市場。為生產符合進口國家需求之優質果品,必須選育外銷鳳梨釋迦之品種,加強研究設施栽培、植物保護與機械化省工管理作業,並改進採收後處理作業與果品保鮮研究,並設置優質供果園,全程品質管理,以生產安全、衛生之優質果品。In order to release pressure in domestic market, preclude farmers from damages in profit, and stand in line with government's international marketing policy of fruits, the promotion of Atemoya should proactively focus on broadening overseas markets. To provide fruits of high quality, it is necessary to select qualified species of Atemoya. Investments should also be made on research facilities for cultivation, plant protection, and arutomatic management. Improvements on after-gathering process and fresh-keeping studies are also required. Advanced fruit gardens should also be implemented with whole-process quality control to produce excellent fruits featuring safety and sanitation.
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