計畫名稱: 加強園產品採收後處理技術之改進 |
計畫主持人: 黃肇家 |
共同計畫主持人: 林源欣;謝水來;楊廷珍;林芳存;賴建洲;王子慶;林棟樑;劉富文;王自存;林德勝;楊儒民;謝慶昌;林慧玲;柯立祥;呂明雄;王怡玎;蔡榮哲;李堂察;黃中宜;石正中 |
計畫編號: 86科技-1.4-糧-37 |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 台灣省農業試驗所 |
全程計畫年: 1997 |
關鍵字: 園產品;採收後處理;貯藏條件;Horticultural product;Postharvest treatment;Storage condition |
摘要: 柑桔貯藏宜半黃時採收,常溫下以PE袋密封不好,外銷檢疫處理前先放一段時間較好,改良式通風庫效果佳,新藥劑對抑病無效。銷美荔枝以硫燻加浸酸可抑褐化。蓮霧在10.degree.C以下即會寒害。木瓜應三分熟採收,以10.degree.C貯運。番石榴軟化和PG酵素有關,熱處理無法減輕寒害。鳳梨應以15.degree.C貯藏。龍眼腐損和病害有關,應貯於2.degree.C。本年度甘藍品質不甚佳,貯藏力較低。蓮子不耐放,菱角可浸1%食鹽水貯藏。甘藍以AITC處理可減緩褐變。氯水可以有效減少甕菜洗滌水中之生菌數。文心蘭花粉蓋脫落會使壽命降低,藥劑處理有益,海運以13.degree.C為佳。野薑花等熱帶切花可在10-15.degree.C間短期貯藏。銀柳應使用塗臘紙箱加乙烯吸收劑。火鶴花以藥劑處理可減少寒害。洋桔梗以蔗糖處理有益。甘藍苗應在0-10.degree.C內貯藏,澆水量不宜多。< Citrus fruits for storage should be harvested at green-yellow stage. Off flavor may occur when fruits are sealed with PE bag at room temperature. Keeping the fruits at 15.degree.C for a few days before quarantine treatment at 1.degree.C can reduce chilling injure. Fruit can be stored better in controlled ventilation storage room. Sulfur dioxide fumigation and acid dipping can prevent skin browning of litchi. Wax apple will be chilling injured if stored at 10.degree.C or lower. Papaya should be harvested at three tenth mature, and stored at 10.degree.C. Guava fruit softening is affected by polygalacturonase activity. Heat treatment can not alleviate chilling injury. Pineapple should be stored at 15.degree.C. Longan should be stored at 2.degree.C, the decay is affected by fungi. Water chestnut can be stored in solution with 1% salt. Allylisothiocyanate (AITC) delay the browning of fresh cut cabbage. Chlorine is effective in reducing bacteria colonies in water for washing water convolvulus. The loss of pollenia cap in Oncidium flower will reduce flower vase life. Preservative is needed to prolong the vase life. Flower should be kept at 13.degree.C for marine shipment. Ginger flower should be kept at 10-15.degree.C for short term storage. Squarene is effective in reducing chilling injure is anthurium flower, Preservative containing sucrose is helpful for Eustoma flower. Seedling of cabbage should be kept at 0-10.degree.C for storage. Too much watering is harmful.< |
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