摘要: 中部地區番石榴栽培面積約有1500公頃。夏果之生產正值春季修剪後枝梢大量生長時期,新萌生之枝葉與發育中之果實競爭養分,因此果實養分蓄積充實度不足而降低了夏秋果之品質。本試驗以搭設簡易網室,以改善番石榴植株之生育,調節果實之生長,調查對果實生長發育及品質上之差異以及估算網室之效益。預期效益為,以防蟲網覆蓋生產番石榴,可調節生長及提升果實品質,可增加產品市場競爭力,進而提昇產業之發展。The planting acreage of guava in Central Taiwan is 1500ha. The growing period of fruit in summer meets the mass growth of new shoots after the Spring pruning, the low fruit quality resulted from the insufficeint nutrient accumulation in the summer and autumn fruits which was orignated induced by the competition between new shoots and growing fruits. In this study, a net house is constructed to cover the guava tree during fruit production period to improve the plant growth and fruit growth. The difference in fruit growth and quality will be observed, and the production cost and benefit of net-house production will also evaluated. The profits of net house production of guava will be the improvement of the fruit quality by means of growth regulation, and then the marketing competitiveness of guava industry is enhanced too. |