
字體大小:A- A A+

計畫名稱: 人才培育與作物生產加工技術提升
計畫主持人: 周世認
共同計畫主持人: 李安進;李堂察;劉啟東;朱健松;莊愷瑋;林永佶
計畫編號: 103農科-6.3.1-科-aC
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 嘉義大學獸醫學系
全程計畫年: 2014
關鍵字: 作物生產;農產加工;技術;收穫機;曳引機;Crop Production;Agricutural Processing;Technology;harvesting machines;tractor
摘要: 人才培育與作物生產加工技術提升計畫目標擬以「作物生產技術提升」之方向進行,改善復耕農地之轉作生產技術,提供友善環境之作物生產制度與策略,有機資源回歸田區,增進土壤肥力及改善理化性質,強化永續生產體系。並結合本校農機研發與訓練中心開設作物培育、播種、收穫與加工訓練技術班,將本校早年蒐集保存之高異黃酮非基改大豆種原,選育出「金珠」大豆,將培育技術推廣給農民及學生;再接合曳引機訓練班,引導農民及學生實際參與田間管理及農機操作維護,以培育具有農業生產技術之實務專業人才,引進農村勞力新活水,維持農業永續生產;為了要提高金珠大豆的附加價值,利用超微粉碎機,將大豆粉碎成粉末後,有利異黃酮的萃取工作,可以提高其萃取效率。萃取後的大豆粉經進一步的粉碎後,可作為文蛤飼料,或經農田施作可增加土壤的肥力。 整體而言,技術達到一貫作業化系統,可提高學生學習興趣,增進實做能力,進可縮短學校與產業界需求落差,增加學生進入職場的競爭能力,提升就業力。This project aims at promoting production and processing techniques for the objectives of improving transplantation producing techniques for rehabilitated land, providing a friendly environment with producing system and strategies, vitalizing the land with organic resources, fertilizing the land with improved physical and chemical properties, and strengthening the sustainable production system. The above techniques will be propagated through a training programmed on crop cultivation, sowing, harvesting, and processing developed the Agricultural Machinery Research and Development Centre of the University. Through this project, the isoflavone-rich Golden Pearl soybean, a cultivar owned by the University, together with the cultivation technique will be introduced to the trainee. The trainee will learn farm management and agriculture machinery operation through a tractor training programme. Hence the rural economy can be vitalized and sustained by the participation of the educated professionals. To improve the value of the Gold Pearl soybean, harvested soybean is to be processed using an air classification pulverize. The power benefits the performance of isoflavone extraction. In summary, this project will develop a systematic crop production and processing technique with the aims of motivating students with learning ambition, equip students with practicing ability, and hence shortening the gap between the university and the industry, increasing students’ competiveness, and promoting the employment rate.
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