計畫名稱: 主要農產品產銷經營之研究 |
計畫主持人: 楊世華 |
共同計畫主持人: |
計畫編號: 98農科-5.1.1-農-C1 |
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會 |
計畫執行機構: 農委會農業試驗所農業經濟組 |
全程計畫年: 2009 |
關鍵字: 杏鮑菇;柳橙;鳳梨;火鶴花;產銷經營;King Oyster Mushroom;Liuchengs;Pineapples;Flamingo Flower;Production and Marketing Management |
摘要: 配合政府農業政策的落實,建立國內主要農產品的產銷經營及市場資料,以均衡供需,穩定合理價格,保障農民收益。 本年度計畫針對杏鮑菇、柳橙、鳳梨與火鶴花等主要農產品,除了建立產銷經營及市場資料,並經由農場產銷效率及消費者偏好等計量分析之效率評估,提供作為主要農產品產業規畫與發展之參考。For the fulfillment of current agricultural policy, the government always establishes the information about production and marketing Management of major farm products to stabilize farm products prices and farmers incomes. The major purposes concerned this year are listed as followed. The informations about production and marketing Management of major farm products such as King Oyster Mushroom, Liuchengs, Pineapples and Flamingo Flower are investigated and analyzed in the fluctuation of farm prices, costs of production and marketing. The results of the study would provide suggestions in order to plan and develop the industries of major farm products in Taiwan. |
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