作者: 陳世芳;戴登燦;高德錚 |
刊名: 行政院農業委員會臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
期刊所屬國別: |
出版年: 2008 |
關鍵字: 堆積運送; 一體成型; 包裝盒; Stalking and shipping; Integral-forming; Cardboard carton |
摘要: 本研究經調查中部地區現有果品包裝盒之特性,依產品大小與特性設計出適合七種果品一體成型紙製包裝盒。此包裝盒寬邊有四個支柱承載堆疊之紙製盒,經過實物包裝與運輸測試修改,已可應用為葡萄、梨、甜柿、番石榴、椪柑及荔枝等果品之運銷包裝盒,本產品之技術特色為可一體裁切折合成型,不佔倉儲者空間,適合果品裝載,每箱承裝重量可依不同產品客製化設計,經由經濟部標準檢驗局測試包材物理性,並經實物包裝以直銷及外銷裝載測試結果證明此包裝盒具有保護產品、適合棧板堆疊之功能。本包裝盒並於2007年11月1日取得中華民國經濟部智慧財產局包裝盒結構設計新型之十年專利權,專利證書為新型第M321402號。Through the survey of marketing cardboard carton currently used for fruit set packing and shipping in central Taiwan area, a novel multipurpose used cartons was designed and developed to fit the marketing demands. On the basis of labortoty and field testing in this study, a mutiple uses of cardboard carton was designed specifically suitable for the packaging and shipment of table grape, pear, sweet persimmon, guava, ponkan, and lichi. The central feature of the developed cardboard carton obtained with the specilities of integral-forming, space-saving, side support to facilitate stacking, and flexibility for different capacities. The physical properties of the developed cardboard carton was proved by the Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economics of Republic of China. Via the practical trial on the hand to provide the sufficient protection ability and suitable for stacking to the fruits. Therefore, a domestic national patent licence of 10-year new model was issued on November 1, 2007, and the patent licence number is M321402. |
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