文心蘭保鮮處理對運銷成本結構改善之個案研究 採後處理, 期刊論文, 其他 作者:黃惠琳、林棟樑、Huang, H. L.、Lin, D. L.刊名:行政院農業委員會臺南區農業改良場研究彙報出版年:2002
Influence of zein and gelatin coatings on the postharvest quality and shelf life extension of mango (Mangifera indicaL.) 採後處理, 期刊論文, 果實品質及營養成分, 其他 作者:N. B. Gol,Tadapaneni Venkata Ramana Rao刊名:Fruits出版年:2014
Postharvest Loss, Causes, and Handling Practices of Fruits and Vegetables in Ethiopia: Scoping Review 採後處理, 期刊論文, 其他 作者:Obse F. Etefa,Sirawudink F. Forsido,M. T. Kebede刊名:Journal of Horticultural Research出版年:2022
Adoption of Plastic Field Crates to Reduce Mechanical Injuries in Postharvest Handling of Haitian Mango 採後處理, 期刊論文, 其他 作者:Arthur J Bonicet,S. Sargent,A. Teixeira刊名:Fla. State Hort. Soc.出版年:2012
IMPROVING POSTHARVEST HANDLING OF ‘ARUMANIS’ MANGO IN EAST JAVA, INDONESIA 採後處理, 期刊論文, 其他 作者:Yuniarti,P. Santoso刊名:Acta Horticulturae出版年:213
Edible Coatings to Reduce Postharvest Loss of Harumanis Mango (Mangifera indica L.) 採後處理, 期刊論文, 其他 作者:Winda Amilia,A. S. Rusdianto,Sayidati Zulaikhah刊名:出版年:2020
Postharvest loss assessment of mango at different stages of supply chain through traditional and improved handling practices 採後處理, 期刊論文, 果實品質及營養成分, 其他 作者:S. Alam,Ma Rahman,M. Reza,Mn,Amin,M. Hussen刊名:出版年:
Effectiveness of the Training on Improved Technology of Postharvest Handling of Mango: An Empirical Evidence From Chapainawabganj District of Bangladesh 採後處理, 期刊論文, 其他 作者:A. Hafeez,F. Huda,S. M. Sayem刊名:Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries出版年:2020
Mango postharvest handling and firmness assessment with a robotic gripper 採後處理, 期刊論文, 其他 作者:C. Blanes,M. Mellado刊名:出版年: