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作者: 徐敏記、劉碧鵑
會議名稱: 台灣紅龍果生產技術改進研討會
關鍵字: 紅龍果;採後處理;採前因子;果實;pitaya;postharvest handling;preharvast factor;fruit
摘要: "紅龍果產地以中南部為主,另包含東部部分產區,調查台灣中部(二林)與南部(新化)產區之7、8月(夏果)與10、11月(冬果)生產之白肉紅龍果低溫貯放情形。結果顯示以寒害程度而言,中部並無明顯趨勢有較耐低溫貯放情形,無論101與102年度均同,但相同點為貯放時間越長則寒害發生越嚴重,病害部分則與栽培及氣候因素有關,低溫貯放時間越長或溫度越高,則病害發生率也隨之增高,依目前資料顯示,低溫放置約20日或3周後,病害有顯著增加趨勢,因此建議低溫貯放下若要避免病害孳生危害,時間勿多於3周。 熱帶果樹常因長年生長於氣候較炎熱地區,因此果品承受低溫逆境能力低及寒害發生率較高。因此分別試驗紅龍果在不同貯藏溫度與包裝方式低溫貯放試驗下,包裝方式以打孔PE 袋配合不織布袋低溫貯藏下較佳,0℃低溫貯放逾20日下仍無寒害產生,有較佳表現。 外銷果實部分國家則須配合蒸熱處理廠之設施與流程,果心溫度須達46.5℃ 30分鐘,因此處理流程總計約需2.5至3.5小時,再以低溫運輸方式輸送至海關出境。因此測試不同成熟度與不同套袋方式之白肉紅龍果進行模擬蒸熱處理,結果顯示蒸熱處理可減少病害發生,且不易造成果皮軟化腐爛。不同成熟度果實蒸熱處理後鱗片並無明顯差異,品質無大改變;不同套袋方式生產之紅龍果情況類似,外觀顏色主要仍取決於套袋樣式。""Pitaya, dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus Britt. & Rose) belongs to the Cactaceae family and is native of central and south America. The harvest production season in Taiwan is from June to November. Red flesh pitayas even can even be harvested for nine month per year by lighting if light-forcing treatment is applied, but producing season focus on July to August required storage and export. Another disadvantage of peels on harvested fruits will arid and older, and low temperature with high moisture storage induced fungal disease after reheat to room temperature. In order to export to China, south eastern Asia, and Japan, postharvest handling technologies become more important. Investigating the cold resistance of white-pulp pitayas’ field at middle and south fields of Taiwan, whether summer season(Jul-Aug) or winter season(Oct-Nov), cold resistant were less divergence. On the other hand, disease occurred on peel with long time storage and severely increased by time, especially more than 3 weeks. The object of selecting packing material to avoid chilling injury, non-woven fabric with PE bag( 24 holes with 0.8cm diameter) were used without chilling injury and better performance for 20 days storage. Quarantine treatment of VHT(vapor heat treatment) usually used for pitaya export to Japan where is without fruit fly living. The process of treatment need 2.5-3 hours and the center temperature of fruit is more than 46.5℃ for 30 mins. After quarantine treatment, pre-cooling fruits then packing in corrugated boxes, which method is necessary before export. Differential maturity fruits treated with quarantine treatment shows that non-remarkable difference. Not only peel, but also pulp is no significant change. VHT could also decrease disease occur during export transportation and shelf storage."
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