
字體大小:A- A A+

計畫名稱: 楊桃採收後保鮮技術改進計畫
計畫主持人: 柯立祥
共同計畫主持人: 王鐘和;
計畫編號: 102農科-9.2.2-糧-Z1(10)
計畫主管機構: 行政院農業委員會
計畫執行機構: 國立屏東科技大學農園生產系
全程計畫年: 102
關鍵字: 1-MCP;楊桃;採後處理
摘要: 楊桃為臺灣重要的外銷果品之一,為第六大主要出口水果,主要外銷香港、加拿大、美國、中國大陸、新加坡等國家,其外銷潛力不容忽視。本計畫主要目的為改進現行楊桃保鮮貯運技術,延長貯藏壽命,維持供貨品質,拓展外銷市場。本計畫將分析不同品種與產季之楊桃果實採後生理、品質與貯藏壽命之變化,開發最佳的貯運條件與適合的外銷包裝處理,利用1-MCP和幾丁聚醣處理對其果實品質與貯藏壽命之影響,並評估檢疫處理對楊桃品質的影響,建立楊桃採後保鮮處理相關技術之資料。Carambola fruit(Averrhoa carambola L.) is one of important export fruits in Taiwan. It is sixth largest export fruit, mainly exported to Hong Kong, Canada, the United States, China, Singapore. Its export potential cannot be ignored. The main purpose of this project is to improve current carambola fruit postharvest handling techniques to extend storage life, maintain fruit quality and expand export market. The project investigates the change of physiology, quality and storage life in different cultivars and seasons. It invents optimal storage conditions and suitable for export packaging processing and examines the effect of 1-MCP and chitosan for carambola fruit quality. At the same time, It estimates the quality and storage life of carambola fruit after quarantine treatment. Finally, it establishes the postharvest handling
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